Example sentences of "seemed [verb] " in BNC.

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1 IN THE 1960s a mystique surrounded hallucinogenic drugs like LSD because they seemed to enable users to alter their perceptions of reality , and explore their ‘ inner minds ’ .
2 This slightly unusual speech pattern seemed to enable him to address her directly .
3 The coroner seemed deflated by the financial implications of his notion .
4 We can rediscover the continuity of time only in the novels of that period when time no longer seemed stopped and did not yet seem to have exploded .
5 Then she put her cup down and began to speak in a soft , sad , dreaming voice that seemed to weave a spell of silence in the room .
6 According to Eileen Laughton , a Panel recruitment drive at the time seemed to acquire the services of a number of people who would not be disposed to argue with recommendations from the Social Work Department .
7 Our 1978 data detected four subjects who seemed to acquire and then lose H pylori antibodies .
8 For much of 1981 and early 1982 the Social Democrats seemed to carry all before them .
9 The Austro-Marxists seemed to carry the argument so far into the nationalist camp that only the distinction between the cultural and the economic preserved internationalism .
10 Green fields through which a road wound , not tiled like the tunnel floor but just as white ( the deep white dust of chalk hills in August ) so that the tunnel floor seemed to carry on and meander into this summer landscape .
11 The Nadder seemed to carry much more water that used to go under the bridge at a fair old pace .
12 The lapels of his well-worn suit seemed to carry a permanent sheen from years of dropped ash on worsted .
13 Blanche found the dishevelled air he always seemed to carry about with him endearing .
14 By brush and pencil he conveyed in his innumerable studies of this quite ordinary girl , the fragility of an idealized beauty , and the paths of ill health , for in an enfeebled frame she seemed to carry the seeds of consumption .
15 As she came through the side roads to her house she heard a few trial notes on a wind instrument of some sort — a clarinet , was it ? a run of notes that seemed to carry on where the last solitary trill of the bird had stopped , and then a beat , beat , beat of a bass and a drum slowly swinging in , and the band , trying out their numbers high up in a house , lilted together into a piece , melancholy at base with gay little twiddles from the clarinet bravely calling that nightfall was not the end of hope , not a closure — a little bit of swing filtering over back gardens to draw people out , out into the spring night , a beat along the channels of their blood suggesting that this hour , as the light dies , as the dusk creeps along the ground , is not an ending but a beginning .
16 ‘ So there we are , ’ he went on , and his voice seemed to carry more than ever .
17 Lee wondered why the barman tolerated him but when she looked towards the bar she saw that the barman seemed hypnotized by the antics of the pub 's female singer , not pleasantly , but as if he had been created permanently attached to a painful but essentially dependable puzzle .
18 They seemed to realize that always too late — when it had happened .
19 ( Only , no one else seemed to realize . )
20 He seemed to realize what I was getting at at last , and glanced round the ward at all the aged but fascinated faces turned in our direction .
21 Brian arrived , with his girlfriend and another friend , who seemed to realize that I needed to calm down and offered to walk around the building with me .
22 He seemed racked with emotion .
23 However , he never seemed to object to members of his staff who had succumbed to the pleasures of the weed and smoked like chimney-pots .
24 Another splendid fellow was A.C.K. Kermode who taught " Theory of Flight " which seemed to embrace in a single formula , at least to me , the entire majesty of flight .
25 The face , the hand and the candle withdrew backwards , still smiling at him , for the smile seemed to embrace all three , as though the withdrawing brightness emanated from the man rather than the flame .
26 No difference was found in the aspartate aminotransferase levels at the start of the two courses ; however , both courses seemed to induce a peak of aspartate aminotransferase values that often preceeds a response to therapy .
27 ‘ I sit in Lancaster , ’ Newton wrote in that heavy copper-plate hand which seemed to plant sarcasm and doubt on the page by the very nature of its forceful , butting lettering , ‘ like a hen on eggs gone cold .
28 His face seemed pressed against the sky .
29 As happens in any new venture , I discovered that the hours I had to put in at the beginning seemed to outnumber those available in any day .
30 Most people when confronted by that kind of thing pretend it is not happening , hide themselves behind newspapers , show an unwarranted fascination in reading advertisements , but these four watched the drunk man 's progress , they seemed to monitor it .
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