Example sentences of "gave off " in BNC.

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1 The machines in the spring department gave off choking fumes and a grey pall seemed to hang over the department … about 90 per cent of the work force are coloured , many of whom can not speak English .
2 The Harewoman looked sharply at him and then shrugged , taking the chanterelles into her hand too roughly , so that Jinny smelt the faint apricot smell they gave off .
3 The wool gave off a friendly smell of the dogs who had been lying on it .
4 The bed itself had an old , lumpy mattress which gave off a faint odour of damp or rotting fabric — or perhaps it was the lingering smell of sheep .
5 In some of these clocks different pieces of incense gave off different aromas , thereby enabling those with sensitive noses to tell the approximate time .
6 During contests he was as jumpy as a schoolgirl and gave off a static charge of nervous energy .
7 The Norman conquest brought with it , among many other customs , the strewing on floors of aromatic plants that gave off their scent when walked upon .
8 The evening drew to a close as , between the showers , rays of sunlight , angled low across the sea , gave off a rare bright translucence .
9 Lee is typically miffed ; he liked playing the acoustic guitar , and the soft textures it gave off , but then he was beat when it came to playing lead breaks .
10 This model gave off a steady hum that allowed it to be used indoors without disturbance to neighbours .
11 The dry bracken crackled beneath his feet and gave off a pungent aroma .
12 Cowden said he tested one before the raid , ‘ but my pipe gave off more smoke . ’
13 The thing reportedly could n't find its critical paths and gave off false signals that everything was hunky-dory when it was n't .
14 They gave off a pungent , horsey smell , as if freshly cut .
15 The hat was so new it gave off a faint , expensive smell .
16 The rooms gave off a dark upper hallway where an old man slept on a bench in his underwear .
17 Yeah because if I work it out I 'll just know that i it made so and so but I wo n't know that it gave off that I 'll just remember that it made like zinc chloride or something I wo n't remember
18 It made Yeah I know it made that but I thought you just wanted to know what it gave off .
19 The doctors around my bed were , of course , in leisure-wear ; they gave off a fuzz of suntanned self-possession , together with the unanimity that comes from safety in numbers .
20 And in the dark , when we lay beneath a single sheet and I gave off a Calabrian sweat , when the middle stretch of the night was shorter but still hard to get through — then , as I turned towards that loose S beside me , she would , with a soft murmur , try to lift the lost hair from the back of her neck .
21 He was utterly amiable and without vice and he gave off a constant aura not merely of noxious vapours but of bonhomie .
22 He shuddered , and groaned aloud , and the sperm hit her dress , on her stomach near her navel ; it soaked through the cotton like the spreading warmth of pee , reminding her of when she wet herself as a child , and gave off a quick raw smell .
23 After a while a flickering light appeared in the distance and drew steadily nearer ; a torch-bearer came into view , a girl , wearing a long white gown which left her arms bare ; she carried aloft a burning torch which gave off a great deal of tarry smoke .
24 The burning heather curls gave off a bright , intense heat but burned quickly , and they each took their turn at collecting a pile so the fire could be kept going through part of the night at least .
25 At this she gave off a pulse of hesitation .
26 They argued that the rapid movements involved in a star 's collapse would mean that the gravitational waves it gave off would make it ever more spherical , and by the time it had settled down to a stationary state , it would be precisely spherical .
27 In this context , Felicity ( Alice was still trying to banish the word ‘ squaw ’ from her mind ) Felicity gave off an impression of light and warmth , as if she had never presented herself as dark .
28 Even the convent yard , just within the great arched gateway , was neatly strewn with white stone pebbles , whilst around the walls small strips of garden full of flowers gave off their own fragrant perfume .
29 He climbed the ladder , holding up a cord taken from the throat of Hell which gave off a red light as it smouldered .
30 Queen Margaret , white-faced and with dark-ringed eyes , nodded slightly and Catesby prised loose the lid to reveal white , gauze cloths which gave off a sweet fragrant perfume .
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