Example sentences of "say for " in BNC.

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1 Let Lucy say for herself what was on her mind .
2 At thirty-seven she could only say for sure who she was not and she felt that time was running out .
3 But the roads on which he drives it also go through most of the art produced in the last half century — shall we say for the sake of convenience , since the death of Trotsky ; or in a more apt frame of reference , since Guernica ?
4 Is there something you wish to say to the solicitor which I should not hear or say for you ? ’
5 If you can say for me …
6 ‘ This past month we 've suffered eleven raids , and still no man can say for sure who the reivers are .
7 We never came to any agreement , but I can say for my part that I developed fairly firm ideas of my own on the matter during the course of such discussions , and they are by and large the beliefs I still hold today .
8 That was all he could say for quite a time ; but when he had recovered his confidence he said a lot more , all of it expressing gratitude to Sheila for her quick thinking and great pluck and shame for his own and Chuck 's roughness with her earlier .
9 ‘ That 's about all you can say for it . ’
10 He goes out alone … and sometimes he goes to the bank and draws out large sums of money … it 's worse than dealing with a child … the most wearing part is the mental strain , not the washing and things like that ; it 's the having to take the lead all the time … [ 24 ; 1H I can stand the strain at the moment , but I ca n't say for how long .
11 Let us say for the sake of argument that it is five different partners on the same night .
12 He could n't say for sure ; when I mentioned a shot , he said he would n't have noticed it particularly .
13 Especially in the early 1930s , notwithstanding the pay-cuts , police officers in the city had a job secure from redundancy — which was more than you could say for most of those they policed .
14 Every child knows that a country which ceased to work , I will not say for a year , but for a few weeks , would die .
15 Let's say for the sake of argument it was the scullery window .
16 Nobody can say for sure when the earliest purpose-made sparkling wine was produced , but documentary evidence exists to prove that the monks of the abbey of St Hilaire in southern France had intentionally produced sparkling wines as early as 1531 , well over one hundred years before anyone attempted to do so in Champagne .
17 That 's a lot more than you can say for Bowe , whose actions in coming to Britain to throw his WBC belt in the dustbin and make Lewis look like a garbage picker was sheer bravado .
18 ‘ Whilst it was the physician 's opinion that she had not had carnal relations for some two years , he could not say for certain .
19 But who could say for certain ?
20 We all ended up happy , anyway , which is more than I can say for most marriages . ’
21 Those were the last words I heard him say for over two years .
22 A title shared may be a title halved in terms of world kudos but Bowe , we can say for certain after Friday night 's great effort here , is a thrillingly genuine heavyweight champion .
23 While I can not say for certain that the aquarium located at the Oceanographic Institute , Monaco boasts this title , it does contain some stunning displays of tropical freshwater and marine fish and is well worth a visit .
24 No-one can say for certain whether he was right ; what can be stated with certainty is that with Italy and Germany helping the Nationalists almost from the beginning , non-intervention threw the Spanish Republic into the embrace of the only great power willing to help her — the Soviet Union .
25 Let's say for argument 's sake that Ozric Tentacles , Primal Scream , Soundgarden , Suede , Morrissey and Smashing Pumpkins are in the running .
26 ‘ Which is more than I can say for the rest of this wretched world . ’
27 Mrs Ayers , who is still recovering from the shock , said at the moment she could not say for certain anything had been taken .
28 So far , McDevitt has been questioned and fingerprinted , but the FBI will not say for sure that he is a suspect .
29 Kaplan can not say for sure , but he hopes that his work ‘ will encourage those conductors who say they are devoted to finding out Mahler 's true interpretive intentions to reassess their own respective approaches ’ .
30 For the sake of argument , let us say for example that the son of a humble couple in a Provençal village leaves home to train in the catering business .
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