Example sentences of "felt [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It felt covert , which in a way it was .
2 Hoomey still felt shattered , weaker at the knees than usual .
3 I felt shattered .
4 He felt weak and shaking , as though he had just had a huge shock .
5 The punishment took him most of the afternoon and his legs felt weak and wobbly when he finished .
6 His knees felt funny — there really was something wrong with them , he thought , that clicking noise and the way they felt weak .
7 she felt weak under his gaze which was saying so much more than his words .
8 Though she felt weak , it was good to be dressed again .
9 She felt weak , and without hope .
10 She felt weak and her head ached .
11 She felt weak and seedy and if she went for a walk her ankles puffed up .
12 Her knees felt weak and she was shaking .
13 HER knees felt weak and butterflies flocked into her stomach as she felt the first hot flush of teenage love .
14 He felt weak and drew his knees up to his chest to contain his body warmth .
15 After saving mankind , Re was still unhappy and felt weak and old .
16 Though his downy feathers were beginning to strengthen , he felt weak and vulnerable , for he never seemed to get enough food , or be able to beat off the brutal and painful pecks of his sibling from whom , by some ancient lore of eagles , his parents did not protect him .
17 Anyway , it felt weak and wrong to be free and still take the Men 's food .
18 He felt weak , like someone who has endured months of broken nights .
19 He felt weak and the laughter sounded shrill .
20 None of the village people could help me , and I could not bring myself to beg for food , although by now I felt weak and faint .
21 She tried not to think about Finn because then she felt weak and hopeless .
22 He felt weak and overwhelmed .
23 My head spun that night , and all next day I felt weak and disordered .
24 He flung his head to one side and muttered something , his face was twisted up ; he pushed himself away and fell out through the entrance and on to his knees , and she sat down on the floor for her legs felt weak and the wounded one was throbbing painfully , and she crawled over to Sycorax and lay down beside her and sobbed hot , dry grief until she at last fell asleep .
25 She heard her mother 's voice on the other end of the line and felt weak and unsteady with relief .
26 Now the time had come , he felt weak and lightheaded , as if he had n't eaten for days .
27 Even though your knees trembled and your heart fluttered and you felt weak with longing , how could you melt , knowing that ?
28 My hands felt weak .
29 Her body relived the wondrous things he had done , and she felt weak inside .
30 Looking hesitantly up , staring into his eyes , seeing the warmth and humour , the love , she felt weak .
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