Example sentences of "likely to " in BNC.

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1 Although ACET , like any charity , does not have the power to release you from the agreement it is likely to be sympathetic .
2 Among the magazine articles , which are most likely to be interesting to her ?
3 Even if historians are specifically interested in form , it is likely to be the history of forms , or the development of styles which will have attracted their attention .
4 theories are interdisciplinary , and the specific quality of a painting or a sculpture may not be spotlighted by the theoretician , whose writing is likely to be long on interpretation but short on description .
5 Here the writer is likely to be a practitioner , and the approach may defer to the popularity of the medium as a pastime for amateurs .
6 Such a catalogue inevitably tends to describe and characterise artists rather than evaluate them , while interpretation is likely to be left to quotations from the artists .
7 Museums with exhibitions of art from other countries are especially likely to be respectful in commentaries on works of art which have been borrowed .
8 The content of an article will tend to be determined by its length ; no newspaper article is likely to be more than 1,000 words , which precludes any chance of detailed analysis .
9 Newspaper profiles are quite likely to be based on interviews , which have an immediate attraction , though a reader will naturally be wary about how accurately the interview may have been recorded .
10 The article written to this brief is likely to have an element of sensationalism ; curiosity about sex or money may be deliberately aroused ; conflicts in an artist 's life are likely to be dramatised .
11 A hostile article is even less likely to be satisfactory to a reader .
12 The critic 's standing is thereby reduced , and the description or evaluation of the prize works is less than likely to be uninfluenced by their new position .
13 Thematic articles are likely to be found in two sorts of periodicals , general magazines and academic journals , either interdisciplinary or of specialist disciplines .
14 Articles on this sort of theme may appear in art periodicals , but are just as likely to be found in other journals , on literature , say , or history .
15 What is most likely to be useful in such material is the chance that inferences can be drawn by the reader , seeing a similarity in a problem elsewhere with a question in the visual arts .
16 Those who pursue comparisons of the kind I am referring to are likely to be impressed by the staying-power of a literary preoccupation to which a variety of temperaments and compulsions has been attracted , and could well be inclined to believe that Pechorin 's duel and indifference may have been among the precedents that weighed , a century later , with a woman bent on contriving her appointment with destiny .
17 The narrator may not wholly be in jest when he refers to sexual intercourse with a certain girl , 17 or thereabouts , as ‘ the ultimate indecorum ’ , and rereaders of the novel are likely to be mindful of the survival here of an old England lived in by people like the middle-aged T. S. Eliot , exponents of a disgusted chastity .
18 But Roth must know that it is likely to be no joke to those who are reading his book .
19 The stress on Levi 's insensitivity to religion is allowed to suggest that all Jews are religious , and there are readers for whom this might signal the corollary that all Jews are Zionists , and are likely to be supporters of Israeli government policy .
20 The cost of training at a summer school over a five-week period will vary with the different establishments , but the overall fee is likely to be around £700 ( 1990 prices ) , for all students , whether from Britain or overseas .
21 The average age of entry for the diploma course is between 18 and 20 , though some schools accept entrants as young as 17 , others students up to 30 : age between these limits is not likely to be a problem provided the candidate shows talent , flexibility and motivation .
22 The locale is described as a university in the north of England , it could be anywhere from Nottingham to Newcastle , but seems more likely to be Lancashire or Merseyside .
23 It is usual for a class to consist of between 12 and 16 students divided approximately equally between male and female , and this size of class is likely to be maintained throughout the training course until the finals period in the last two terms .
24 It is likely that a good many protestant loyalists oscillate between the two and still have to come to their moment of decision , one that is likely to be forced on them by future events .
25 In any event , there is likely to be significant variation in views as to how far one should condemn or condone this liberationist violence in the North .
26 Many critics , including William Binchy , saw this as likely to be an ineffectual provision and subject to the whims of judges .
27 At least some of the extra cost of stockholding is likely to be passed on to the caterer .
28 There were an awful lot of nice people working in the building , but there is sometimes a certain tone in your voice , a clouded look in your eye , which gives the impression that you 're more likely to be a client than a colleague .
29 While other chaps sing the praises of Meryl Streep , Joely Richardson or Gabriela Sabatini , I 'm much more likely to be found getting worked up over worms .
30 Ideas for rock gardens or for more exposed borders , where taller daffodils are likely to be felled by the wind , the reliable range of cyclamineus type daffodils varies from 8 to 10in high .
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