Example sentences of "found in " in BNC.

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1 You have been doing the right thing by cutting out the dead wood you found in spring , but these plants do get very straggly , and to get the best out of it you will need to be a bit more ruthless .
2 He found in Byers a bracing scepticism like his own .
3 Already a boy given to solitariness and a certain economy of words , he found in poetic diction ( thanks , not least to Wordsworth ) the most congenial vehicle for comprehension and self-expression .
4 It is not surprising that he found in addition to writing about her , he had to sing about her , too .
5 He started by sketching numerous frescoes and statuettes he found in the Hermitage Museum , Leningrad .
6 Here the difficulty I found in talking about psychoanalytic criticism is compounded , not because I am an unbeliever , but because anything that the middle-aged male commentator says about feminism is liable to be wrong : to be approving may be condemned as patronizing , and to be critical is to be sexist .
7 It will certainly seem so to the Englishman ( as I take him to be ) , who found in the ‘ Envoi ’ to Hugh Selwyn Mauberley — Pound 's most explicit farewell to England , as he prepared to leave her in 1918 — ‘ externality : an externality which , considering what Mauberley attempts , is utterly disabling ’ .
8 Like many young American composers he studied with Nadia Boulanger , but after 1925 set out to achieve the ‘ discipline of spontaneity ’ which he found in Stein 's writings .
9 Ron Todd , general secretary of the Transport and General Workers ' Union , said they found in this year 's dock strike that some judges had changed little since the days of the Tolpuddle Martyrs or Taff Vale .
10 The Semtex can be compared with fragments from those incidents and that found in the bomb factory at Clapham , south London , last December .
11 Yet he also found in him a warning .
12 For Eliot , though , such ideas of tradition and reincarnation would be bound up with heredity at the most basic evolutionary level and with the continuing cycle of renewal and death which he found in the pages of the anthropologists .
13 When Eliot became a Christian in 1927 he declared that he found in reading Paul Elmer More , with whose Shelburne Essays he had shown familiarity in 1916 , the work of someone who had travelled by almost the same route , to virtually the same conclusions .
14 Given the various elements present in Eliot 's mind , it is hardly surprising that he found in the thundering drums of Stravinsky 's ballet , Le Sacre du printemps , the equivalent of the myth he sought .
15 To see more deeply is only to see what Eliot found in the epigraph from Heart of Darkness which he thought might have been ‘ somewhat elucidative ’ for The Waste Land .
16 For example , given the great emphasis on the family and monogamy in Victorian England they were delighted when they found in the work of anthropologists a statement that there had been societies with sexual freedom and no notion of the family .
17 The evidence for this is the system of kinship terms which Morgan found in various parts of the world .
18 The main point , however , of the section on the Germanic tribes is a discussion of the nature of feudalism , and this is little different from that found in The German Ideology .
19 Drawn to the fact-is-stranger-than-fiction aspects of Spanish history , Gironella found in Veláquez 's portraits a perfect starting point for a detailed investigation of the contradictions which go to make up modern Mexico .
20 ‘ We went through the contents of two handbags we found in the road .
21 They talked of their husbands ' preoccupation with work , of their normal children 's too-early maturing , of integrated and special schools , and of eating — the hoped-for miracle diet for their child or , often , the consolation they found in food .
22 ‘ One of the appointments we found in Miss Morgan 's diary was with a Miss Huntley .
23 The pigs took care of themselves , scavenging and digging for food and eating virtually anything that they found in the streets of villages and towns alike .
24 There is an opportunity for peace behind the brick wall James Baker found in Damascus and Jerusalem
25 Most of the American east coast is unlike anything found in Europe .
26 The exhibition includes some delicately-worked gold jewellery , most of it found in Celtic tombs in the past 100 years : typically gold or silver torques , or saddle and bridle decorations of gold , silver , coral and enamel .
27 She sympathized with and approved of , if never quite comprehended , Edward 's intense love of the special happiness that he found in the heart of the country when absorbed with his rare intensity in sights , sounds , and scents .
28 It was as if poets owed an explanation to the audience for being what they were , to bring creatures apart down to the level of ordinary folks ; as if the poet might be indulged his little failings and eccentricities as long as he allowed himself to be democratically mauled in public by thoughtless questioners or — even worse , much worse — by fellow-poets or by those who had poetic pretensions and who found in ‘ question time ’ an opportunity to assuage their jealousy or seek revenge for their own incompetence and mediocrity .
29 ‘ Do you know what I found in his trunk some time ago , right at the bottom ?
30 ‘ What was in that bottle I found in the bathroom ? ’
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