Example sentences of "sure [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The oldest of the fishermen , grey of head and wearing his false teeth on a string round his neck , spat in the sand and said , ‘ Trent , boy , you take them men , you make damn sure them pay cash money . ’
2 I 'm sure them long hairs , get them round his mouth , I 'm sure they got in his mouth when he was sleeping , cos he always sleeps on his back
3 He 's looking all around as it of make sure thee 's no one here .
4 Like any political arriviste , he could not be sure whom he should trust among his colleagues , but the faction-fights of the previous thirty years must have taught Ceauşescu that in the Romanian Communist Party ideological affinity or even past services counted for little .
5 As Dana Gillespie recalls , ‘ I 'm sure everyone 's got a different version of it , and I really did n't witness any rows , but I would often hear from my assistant who would tell me he 'd just come back from MainMan offices and the door was closed into DeFries 's inner sanctum , and there were raised voices between David and him in there .
6 The latter will end by confirming or rejecting the original theory , but humans , being what they are , will usually manage to prove themselves right and join some kind of inquisition to make sure everyone else is proved right too .
7 Occasionally Group Captain Bennett would poke his nose in to make sure everyone was getting on with the job and not larking about .
8 Make sure everyone has a chance to have their say but be prepared to use your judgement when it comes to deciding when action should be taken .
9 I 'm sure everyone 's familiar with the roundback or bowl design pioneered by Ovation and successfully used by them in their electro-acoustic guitars .
10 But he added : ‘ First and foremost , I 'm a professional footballer and I make sure everyone knows that .
11 Make sure everyone 's fully aware of kidnap drill .
12 Make sure everyone in the family is treated at the same time .
13 He glanced around to make sure everyone was listening and had a good view , and then he continued .
14 Make sure everyone in the family knows what to do if a fire does start , especially at night .
15 My na mes Tom and I 'm chairman of the trust , have Roy who is chairman of the management committee , Ron is vice who who who 's vice chair of the board , Gordon I 'm sure everyone knows is the general manager and John who is the company 's secretary .
16 Alice undertook most of this ; but Bert visited the branch in South London to make sure everyone would be inspired to come .
17 Certainly there should be an academic library committee on which the librarian sits to discuss its operational use and stocking , but for the mechanical organisation of a busy library it is absolutely essential that there should be a qualified librarian off the teaching establishment in every major secondary school … and I 'm sure everyone thinks the same .
18 However , I am sure everyone would agree that the proof of 1.4.4 is much , much sweeter , the proof based on the Euclidean Algorithm being somewhat ungainly .
19 And now I 'm going back to the warren to make sure everyone else is finished with you as well .
20 Greenpeace have a meeting somewhere I 'm sure everyone goes there by car .
21 Violette paused to make sure everyone 's interest had reached an appropriate pitch .
22 I 'm sure everyone in the office guesses . ’
23 ‘ Barratt was there , ’ says Howard , ‘ making sure everyone knew he 'd just had lunch with God . ’
24 During free time she would make sure everyone had sufficient to do .
25 I 'm sure everyone will appreciate the extra detail you 've given us .
26 Really , I 'm sure everyone should congratulate you ! ’
27 WWF has joined forces with other organisations interested in elephant conservation to make sure everyone works together as effectively as possible .
28 She likes to make sure everyone knows exactly where the pain is , how long it goes on for and whether it 's burning , stabbing , singeing or a combination of all three .
29 Well done , that was absolutely first rate , I mean erm , it was a difficult er , task you had , especially as the book was n't in the library , of which I am deeply apologetic , because I thought it was , and er , I thought you er , you coped with a very difficult assignment extremely well , and I think you can have an extra and I 'm sure everyone else thinks so too .
30 However , I 'm sure everyone around the table will be conscious that one of the things the panel has a duty to do is to consider what is in the light of national guidance .
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