Example sentences of "itself by " in BNC.

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1 A group which perpetuates itself by endogamous sexual reproduction usually has some perception of ethnic identity .
2 Malignant melanoma can show itself by a change in the look of a skin mole .
3 Since expansion takes place laterally on exposure to moisture , there must be a resulting contraction longitudinally , which manifests itself by rotation of the coil to unwind , with of course , expansion on drying .
4 It should quickly pay for itself by saving computational time , increasing accuracy and reducing parts costs by minimising expenditure on E48 or E96 parts where cheaper E24 values will do .
5 In October 1987 , when share prices crashed around the world , Hong Kong disgraced itself by closing for four days to protect local speculators .
6 That is the nature of the self-punishment which Britain inflicted on itself by maintaining in its law the assertion that citizens of other countries , wholly independent and acknowledging a different head of state , were nevertheless in every respect members of the single category of ‘ British subjects ’ , possessing within the United Kingdom the rights that attach to that category .
7 Cricket , in essence , stifled itself by remaining too true to its pre-industrial origins . ’
8 It 's like a B-movie from a past of happier memories , turned against itself by the one British director who truly understands the mode .
9 The racing industry could help itself by improving what its new management consultants have taught it to call the ‘ product ’ .
10 At present we have a government trying to run a free-enterprise economy having willingly hamstrung itself by fixed exchange rates and penal interest rates .
11 I have grown it myself for the last twelve years , in a small colony in a north-facing border which maintains itself by self-sown seedlings .
12 The most consistently outspoken broadsides against the old Establishment came from the Institute of Directors , a once moribund association of small businessmen and oddball intellectuals , which revived itself by taking up Thatcherism almost before the term had been coined .
13 The system funds itself by operating on the Royal Bank of Canada 's over-the-counter exchange rates which are not as fine as those obtained by the institution itself .
14 In its early days , the Reagan administration made a laughing stock of itself by blaming trees for pollution .
15 He was proud to serve with the magnificent troops of this Division — Rajputs , Baluchis , Punjabis and Gurkhas amongst others — and to belong to an army given new pride and confidence in itself by an inspiring leader .
16 There may be another problem which is manifesting itself by making the gearbox chatter such as an out of balance engine or faulty gearbox mountings .
17 Her fondness for writing verses there displayed itself by her sometimes taking up her pen while the jack was standing still , and the meat scorching
18 Greenpeace , the environmental pressure group which had already made a name for itself by chasing whalers on the high seas , sent its own vessel , the Rainbow Warrior , to shadow the nuclear ship out into the Atlantic .
19 According to Lovins , ‘ the equipment more than pays for itself by costing less to maintain ’ .
20 Recruitment to its ranks is highly selective in terms of social and educational status , and it perpetuates itself by spending parts of its accumulated surpluses on privileged education , often abroad , for its favoured sons ( and occasionally daughters ) .
21 A secondary stage follows after a few more months and manifests itself by a rash on the face and body .
22 Indeed , while with one hand trying to hold down expenditure by local authorities , the Government found itself by the late 1980s involved with the other hand in massive ear-marked spending on inner urban areas .
23 Now you know this , do n't start applying it rigorously as a rule which will inhibit your sailing , merely let the body work it out for itself by noticing the levelness of the horizon .
24 The body has the ability to heal itself by means of its vital force and , according to the principles of naturopathy , disease is the resistance of that vital force to abnormal conditions in the body .
25 By exerting gentle pressure on the zones of the foot the reflexologist is able to diagnose areas of malfunction in the body and then , by massage of the appropriate area of the foot , to help the body heal itself by improving the functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems .
26 Not only does it help the condition of the skin itself by removing the build-up of dead skin cells on the surface , it stimulates lymphatic drainage and the elimination of as much as one-third of body wastes .
27 The proposed community , to be established on the banks of the Susquehannah river in New England , would consist of twelve men and women , and would sustain itself by farming the land .
28 This may show itself by an improvement in the child 's behaviour or in the resolution of some lingering problem , such as the slight cough or persistently runny nose .
29 This is inflammation and infection of the breast which sometimes follows cracked nipples and shows itself by pain , redness of a part or the whole breast , swelling , and fever .
30 In theory there was a simple enough answer to that problem : have the machine protect itself by looking several moves ahead .
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