Example sentences of "itself of " in BNC.

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1 The best criticism is that which is both amusing and poetic ; not a cold , mathematical criticism which , on the pretext of explaining everything , has neither love nor hate , and voluntarily strips itself of every shred of temperament .
2 However , the existence of a certain level of common values is no indication by itself of a ground for peace .
3 There are even suggestions that the US appoint its own Chancellor and rid itself of the high-handed monetary czars who ride unchecked across the economic landscape .
4 That play has as an epigraph a Christian equivalent of the escape through ‘ Shantih ’ from the cycles of creation : ‘ Hence the soul can not be possessed of the divine union , until it has divested itself of the love of created beings . ’
5 A by-product of Labour leaders ' responsiveness to the new thinking may be that the party relieves itself of some commitments which have been electoral liabilities in the past .
6 Can we entrust the future of Europe to a Germany which has still not wholly rid itself of a nationalism that hankers , whatever is said officially , over the ‘ lost ’ territories in the East , that still sees Germans as superior to other nations and races , that still relishes power over others ?
7 Can we entrust the future of Europe to a Germany which has still not wholly rid itself of a nationalism that hankers , whatever is said officially , over the ‘ lost ’ territories in the East , that still sees Germans as superior to other nations and races , that still relishes power over others ?
8 The roar of applause when it later rids itself of them may boost its popularity at a critical moment .
9 The Irish Government was resolutely determined to rid itself of the British system which had done so much harm to the economy .
10 Once more among his Party faithful in Nuremberg in September 1938 , his proclamation contained the usual cliché about the infant Nazi Party beginning the fight against the greatest enemy threatening the German people , international Jewry , and a few days later , still at the Party Rally , he attempted to justify Germany 's attempts to rid itself of its Jews by the stereotype reference to an over-populated country .
11 North told him not to be downhearted , ‘ that the one bright spot is that the government is availing itself of part of the money for application to Central America . ’
12 In eight and a half years , Labour under Neil Kinnock has worked miracles in divesting itself of policies which , as well as being fundamentally unpopular , had no obvious connection with our central beliefs .
13 For Italy or France this is of no particular significance , since the role of their parliaments is not great , but Britain would be depriving itself of its most important political institution .
14 Its main function , however , is to ensure that the system rids itself of unwanted air .
15 The origins of this popular movement lie in the first wave of pressure for disarmament , which began with the emergence of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament ( CND ) in 1958 and ended in 1964 , with its decline in the face of the new Labour Government 's failure to rid itself of nuclear weapons .
16 Maybe the weight itself of thousands of boys over the last couple of decades had led to some sort of subsidence .
17 The performances in Oxford itself of this summer 's season of theâtre de chambre will take place in the Debating Chamber of the Oxford Union , often used as a theatre , well-known to television viewers and famous as a training-ground for many of this country 's members of Parliament , including a number of Prime Ministers , as well as for the addresses there by statesmen from all over the world .
18 We then need to address the issue of how the funding will change if one authority is able to divest itself of certain fixed assets .
19 Such a search will involve itself of course with received institutions ; certainly it will go beyond them .
20 Other companies have had similar troubles : Clerical Medical had to rid itself of an agent which was writing unauthorised business ; a Legal & General agent .
21 By converting land into pasture for several years , the land has a chance to recover and rid itself of the heavy level of chemicals in its soil .
22 As to whether , and if so how , Parliament cares to avail itself of this opportunity , the Act is silent .
23 Another example is the case of a generalized infection in which a fever is often observed — the result of the body 's attempt to make the environment unsuitable for the invading organism and so rid itself of it .
24 The Last of England breaks taboos and frees itself of hypocrisy .
25 If , as has been guestimated , a draughtsman spends two-thirds of his time doing conceptual thinking , looking up tables , doing calculations , checking , etc. , and only one-third of his time with a pencil in his hand at the drawing-board , then an increase in productivity at the drawing-board itself of 300 per cent would mean an overall productivity increase in line with observed job reductions .
26 All four of the Titford brothers of this generation were in their early twenties on their wedding day — a reflection in itself of the fact that the average age at marriage for men was falling as the century wore on ; that average in the early 1700s had been as high as twenty-seven .
27 While a company can not deprive itself of its power to alter its articles , an agreement by which shareholders ( without binding future shareholders ) agree personally between themselves about the manner in which they will exercise their voting powers is enforceable ( p 112 ) .
28 Can a company that is the holding company of a small group avail itself of the exemption under ss 248 and 249 of the CA 1985 , and apply s 8(a) of the standard and not prepare either a cash flow statement or a consolidated cash flow statement , whether it prepares group accounts or not ?
29 Thus , while a company can not deprive itself of its power to alter its articles , an agreement by which shareholders ( without binding future shareholders ) agree personally between themselves about the manner in which they will exercise their voting powers is enforceable .
30 Either it will spread , cancer-like , to destroy mankind , or else mankind will have to rid itself of communism . ’
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