Example sentences of "itself on " in BNC.

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1 It has turned its back on the elitism of many consumer organisations and has based itself on a democratic structure in which the voluntary efforts of the members determine policy and action .
2 It was through such ascendancy that ‘ the power of the uncles , ’ from which Leonard appears to have suffered somewhat in adolescence , obtruded itself on the maturing boy .
3 But that other ‘ landscape ’ , quieter perhaps , but like an underground stream , unconscious and very persistent , never failed to obtrude itself on him : ‘ It is strange that even now prayer is my natural language , ’ he said , in ‘ Lines From My Grandfather 's Journal ’ ( The Spice-Box Of Earth , p10 ) which powerfully reflect his own self-questionings ; the ‘ tyranny ’ was asserting itself .
4 By the time CAMRA celebrated its first ten years it could pride itself on a large national membership and a series of hardhitting reports that had exposed the market domination of the big brewers and the shoddy beers they produced .
5 Just so might the exhausted arrogance of a dying empire have expressed itself on the lips of a Roman senator waving away the news of a ‘ crackpot messiah ’ among the Jews , and the strange thoughts that occur to people in Jerusalem or Galilee .
6 AS THE Labour leadership congratulates itself on a virtually unprecedented exhibition of unity and moderation , they should be aware that knives are being sharpened at Conservative Central Office .
7 But then Alton Towers prides itself on not being a theme park .
8 In addition the strategic significance of the railways had impressed itself on the Bolsheviks .
9 With the opening of the International Convention Centre the city hopes to put itself on the tourist map .
10 Denmark is their other northern commitment , and it is there that 2 RRP found itself on 30 June 1989 .
11 The further east the boundaries are drawn , the more Britain will find itself on the Western periphery of a Germany-centred Europe .
12 As the country found itself on the brink of a constitutional crisis , Mr Havel said the best way to avert such a crisis would be for President Husak to quit and for a strong prime minister to assume his authority temporarily , as the constitution permits .
13 It 's one of those rare books of comic genius that imprints itself on the brain and can never afterwards be eradicated .
14 India , which prided itself on the self-sufficiency achieved by its green revolution , was obliged to buy wheat in 1988–9 ; China 's imports of wheat reached record levels in the last years of the decade , a reflection , no doubt , not just of two years of drought but of a situation where peasants received certificates instead of cash for their crops .
15 AMERICA 'S Corning prides itself on being lean and nice .
16 L'Esquire prides itself on its superlative standards of service and relaxed atmosphere .
17 The Woman 's voice came swimming out of a great blankness , forcing itself on him .
18 The imagery imprinted itself on the minds of a whole generation of parents who had lost young children .
19 It oozed slimy green algae that plastered itself on her face and clothes .
20 An expression of pure horror shaped itself on his features as he slithered helplessly down the slope and plunged headlong into the stinking waters of Mucky Beck .
21 Or meant to have replied , but perhaps she had not , perhaps the knowledge of later years had imposed itself on that first memory .
22 ‘ Naughty cat , she would n't let you in then , ’ he chides the moggie disporting itself on the carpet .
23 Chez Gerard , a London restaurant which prides itself on its Frenchness and its wine list , is just one now considering offering non-French wines for the first time , including some from the Antipodes .
24 New York is uncommon political turf , and Mr Brown has been helped mightily by a press that prides itself on its aggression and which does not much like Mr Clinton .
25 This is the untold story of an exchange which rightly prides itself on an ability to offer efficient markets in leading shares but which can not cope with the unattractive smaller companies .
26 The company , which prides itself on its environmental record , decided a final solution was needed to avoid in one fell swoop the seasonal embarrassment of leaves on the line .
27 ‘ People slipping back into our column , back into our camp and our sort of Britain which will manifest itself on Thursday . ’
28 And I wish to argue further that in using drama to promote the individual 's growth we have inadvertently distorted drama itself on two counts .
29 Where the remedy has been too ‘ strong ’ for the patient 's vitality this has always shown itself on the first few doses and it has merely been necessary to wait a day or two for the over-reaction to settle and then to begin again using greater dilution .
30 There is a good deal of evidence to show , however , that industrial capitalism places women on the periphery of the economy , and for women in a Third World country which is itself on the periphery of a world economy , the situation is even more difficult .
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