Example sentences of "themselves by " in BNC.

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1 Pabulum Consultants ' Jennifer Rust adds : ‘ They could also help themselves by thinking through a problem before phoning the support desk .
2 However , even if it is a small field , all they have really learned is to position themselves by habit , using the local landmarks to help .
3 During my early career , for instance , when one of the shift was caught and sentenced for a string of burglaries , the others skirted around their implicit knowledge that ‘ there but for the grace of God goes everyone ’ , and comforted themselves by recalling ( with the aid of the hindsight-ometer ) that he had ‘ never been a real polis … always been a bit of a loner , something of an outsider … ’
4 Like most works that over-reach themselves by striving for unattainable seriousness they are probably simply bad .
5 It was his critics , Mr Clarke said , who had confused themselves by saying there would be one .
6 WHAT HAPPENS in Foucault 's Pendulum is that three editors at a Milan publishing house , vetting manuscripts for a series of books on the occult , decide to amuse themselves by connecting up every conspiracy theory advanced by their half-baked authors and fabricating an elaborate master-plan which explains the whole of world history .
7 ‘ Well , in fact , they always disqualify themselves by dying . ’
8 Some constables initially played up to the fact that their remarks would be appearing in print , hoping to identify themselves by saying something outrageous which was then suffixed by ‘ How about that for a quote for the book ? ’
9 Cambridge liked undergraduates reading theology to have two years over the work and believed that if they tried to do it in fourteen months they would do it superficially , or else they would be sure to hurt themselves by overwork .
10 ‘ I do n't mind lobbyists , I 'd just rather they called themselves by their proper name as they do in Washington , rather than wittering on for hours about relationships with opinion-formers .
11 The business-inclined Whigs believed that victory in Europe would automatically secure our overseas interests : the land-owning Tories , with their traditional dislike of the high taxation needed to pay for a standing army , sought to achieve the same ends with peripheral maritime operations , carried out by the Navy , which could largely pay for themselves by taking other powers ' colonies and trading posts .
12 They wiped out the buffalo , more or less wiped out the Indians and , eventually , were driven away themselves by loneliness , extreme weather , drought , and the loss of topsoil brought on by over-farming .
13 In some cases trustees may relieve themselves by transferring it into the control of the court .
14 Once , at school , the girls had amused themselves by putting together the perfect woman , and Jane had been surprised when they chose her eyes , which were large and brown .
15 A further paternalistic argument is that a law restricting consent helps to protect individual citizens from themselves by counteracting some of the social pressures and shame which might otherwise occur .
16 After a home game in the Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn Stadium im Prenzlauer Berg , they distinguished themselves by forming a 200-strong human swastika around the statues of Marx and Engels in front of the Volkskammer ( the old GDR parliament ) .
17 As the main churches have become more liberal , Free Presbyterianism emerged to challenge the lack of ‘ real ’ Protestantism and hence offered an implicit challenge to the fraternal organizations to purify themselves by breaking their ties with the main , and now apostate , denominations .
18 The Lord Chancellor 's civil servants can , they say , only recruit judges from among advocates who have already distinguished themselves by their performance in court .
19 It seems some parents let their children amuse themselves by chasing foals and small ponies , or throwing sticks and stones at them , or tormenting them in other ways .
20 ‘ I know it sounds bizarre to say that when someone has made an awful lot of money and had a lot of fame and adulation , but you can wreck their minds , you can wreck their self-ego and esteem by giving them the whole wrong picture of themselves by pretending they are good at one thing when they are not and boosting other things .
21 Libyans knew of civilians imprisoned , officers hanged or shot for voicing opinions contrary to the regime , and they took care not to expose themselves by expressing hostility or opposition in public .
22 By the end of the evening I had come to feel sorry for the waiters who had so debased themselves by their participation in the comedy ; not because they were cheating the state , but because they never responded to anyone except as an object , a part of the system in which they were trapped .
23 For this purpose they appointed to serve under them a staff of foresters , carrying bows and arrows , for whom they were personally responsible , and who maintained themselves by levying contributions from the forest inhabitants .
24 The foresters recouped themselves by illegal exactions from the forest inhabitants , and by committing waste and destruction in the forest .
25 The terrible times had rendered individuals impotent ; many Jews consoled themselves by clinging to any available straw and concealed themselves behind bastions of casuistry .
26 Prospective students , anxious for sun and romance as well as the release of their creative genius , should gird themselves by reading Swallow , Thomas 's novel about an Olympiad of storytellers which involves hours and hours of improvising in prose and verse .
27 And what chance have the nouveaux riches to educate themselves by forming a collection ?
28 The original Warwickshire lord and his huntsmen have been replaced by groups of young Sloanes who identify the sleeping Sly as ‘ probably working-class ’ and divert themselves by ‘ messing around with his mind a bit ’ .
29 One of the ways in which wars start is by nations trying to assert themselves by insulting , humiliating and attacking other countries .
30 Everyone still standing , and that was at least half the passengers , did a little backwards dance and righted themselves by the simple expedient of taking hold of the person or object closest to them .
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