Example sentences of "themselves with " in BNC.

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1 The LTTE has also been responsible for massacres , both of Sinhalese and Moslem civilians , since June 1990 and against rival Tamil political groups who , in some cases , have now aligned themselves with the government 's forces .
2 Books on art appreciation will also concern themselves with formal questions , as they have done since the beginning of the century .
3 Add to all this that they endow themselves with rightness and send their mutual corroboration cascading through all levels of our information systems .
4 Did you notice they both concerned themselves with the everyday ?
5 The rail unions staged a series of strikes over poor pay and BR insistence on an end to collective bargaining , and were somewhat surprised to find themselves with public sympathy despite many complete network shutdowns .
6 In addition , during start-up and overload conditions the capacitors ( and their larger parallel damping capacitors , if fitted ) find themselves with the wrong DC bias , and charging occurs through potentially very low impedances .
7 As for the case made against the versions in the Classic Anthology — that by using rhyme they align themselves with the closed poetry of print and not with the open poetry of the speaking breath — the obvious retort is that , although in these poems Pound often rhymes , he writes them in free verse , and in a free verse where the syllables are weighed , and the varying pace controlled , as scrupulously as in anything else he has written .
8 Subordinate males , on the other hand , were friendlier towards the infants of high-ranking females , perhaps because their own rank might increase if they managed to associate themselves with such females .
9 The prospect of students saddling themselves with enormous debts to pay their course fees and their maintenance is a frightening one .
10 Conservatives are foolishly lulling themselves with their own rhetoric if they think that the reformed Labour Party is an image-makers ' fantasy .
11 THOSE who yearn for the smiling helpfulness of American skiing , but whose credit limits do not permit access to it , can console themselves with the news that the French resort of Les Arcs is launching a campaign to distinguish itself from competing resorts by encouraging staff to be unfailingly polite .
12 Soviet and foreign relief organizations had installed themselves with efficiency and were giving out free food .
13 By contrast , the failure to introduce new benefits , payments or services is a much blunter grievance : political opponents have only something hypothetical to discuss ; individual electors do not easily identify themselves with the deprived .
14 Even if the equation could be established , the beneficiaries are not the same or do not see themselves as the same : the patients paying two shillings for their bottles of medicine do not identify themselves with the patients admitted to hospital sooner or treated more efficiently .
15 Many stations choose to spend this money on recording their station 's jingles , while others prefer to involve themselves with promoting local concerts by international artists .
16 But so extreme was the sodomite 's construction that most of those actually engaging in ‘ homo/sexuality , did not identify themselves with it ; not only did they not have our modern categories , but the prevailing categories were so tar removed from how they saw themselves , that apparently the connection was not made .
17 That individuals prosecuted for sodomy did not necessarily identify themselves with the demonized sodomite of official discourse also lends credence to Foucault 's distinction between sodomy as a kind of behaviour , and homosexuality as a modern identity .
18 It is true that Dicey , the LPDL , and later the BCA , allied themselves with the Conservative party , but this was not because they considered themselves Conservatives .
19 Between Salisbury 's retirement in 1902 and the outbreak of the Great War the individualist associations , their spokesmen , and their ideas were relegated even further to the margins of Conservative politics : only two Conservatives of note allied themselves with the individualist groups , while Dicey came to regard the Conservative party as collectivist Quislings .
20 Nowhere is this as clearly illustrated as in the struggles of black workers and in the way in which white workers have aligned themselves with the bureaucracy . ’
21 The new recruits — and there are many this season — handled themselves with distinction in such difficult surroundings .
22 Many blind people struggle to pay their bills and provide themselves with the necessities of life .
23 We can provide a proper home for those who find themselves with nowhere to live .
24 All of us probably envy the ability of Imelda , Ivana , Diana and co to indulge themselves with a glorious shopping spree whenever the desire grips them .
25 In the settings of four aphoristic poems by Istvan Balint for soprano and 14 players — which Kurtag began in 1972 and recently revised — the outside influences declared themselves quite readily , whether they were from East European folk music or Webern : and in this performance , the soprano Adrienne Csengery and Sinfonietta excelled themselves with sudden flashes of colour and bursts of intense virtuosity .
26 My task had been to help these women to realise their own strengths and to speak out for themselves with courage and dignity .
27 Some manufacturers such as MAN and DAF have solved the problem by fitting filters which clean themselves with a small furnace as the vehicle is in operation .
28 They plan a tour of Britain to familiarise themselves with the British style and the first place they wish to stop is Dundee for the game with United .
29 Powering themselves with their tails and using their flippers for steering and balance , they are often seen travelling at speeds greater than 45 k per hour ( 25 knots ) , and the fastest species can reach maximum speeds of over 56 k per hour .
30 As many as half the New Yorkers who inject themselves with intravenous drugs may carry the AIDS virus ; in the Tacoma and Seattle area only about 10% of the addicts are infected .
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