Example sentences of "themselves of " in BNC.

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1 Not only are the pub interiors themselves of the nondescript , open-plan kind , but the barn to the rear has been wholly mutilated .
2 Age Concern expressed reservations in its response to the Griffiths Review of Community Care that contracts for certain services might prove unprofitable to private sector providers after a few years , by which time District Health Authorities would have divested themselves of the resources to provide similar services .
3 Wales , meaning the suffering Welsh public , desperately needed the comfort of Saturday 's epic encounter before a Stradey Park gathering fit for the occasion to remind themselves of the level of attainment of which their game is still capable .
4 Asked how he decides on the price of a dish , the Cook ( Richard Bohringer ) explains that black ingredients are always the most expensive because people like to remind themselves of death .
5 And the scene of the burning of the books , seen on film by her many times , was as vivid as an actual memory : Hitler 's jack-booted thugs in their brown shirts , swastikas on their arms , heaving the books from the Library and heaping the heritage of the world on to a pyre , dancing and gloating as the flames consumed book after book , volume after volume : Heine , Schiller , Brecht , Thomas Mann , Einstein , Freud , Marx : history , poetry , novels , science , the works of philosophers , psychologists — men and women who had dedicated their lives for the betterment of the brutes who burned their books ; brutes living in utter ignorance , leading lives as dull and limited as the beasts of the fields , inspired only by resentment , vile prejudice , and blind hatred of what they could not understand , and , it was true , victims themselves of poverty and ignorance seeking victims in their turn — and finding them .
6 Rather than reinventing the ‘ virtual classroom ’ , may I suggest the staff at Teesside Poly could have contacted CECOMM and availed themselves of our tutor-moderated training programme , and in the process saved themselves considerable time and angst .
7 At the same time , though , there are more people who can , perhaps for the first time since 1967 , imagine that the Jews could go west , back into the green line , or into new borders adjusted to rid themselves of their Palestinian burden .
8 As part of their attempt to rid themselves of a growing hooligan problem , the clubs agreed on Wednesday to begin converting their grounds into all-seat stadiums and to petition the government for grant aid .
9 At the same time , though , there are more people who can , perhaps for the first time since 1967 , imagine that the Jews could go west , back into the green line , or into new borders adjusted to rid themselves of their Palestinian burden .
10 As part of their attempt to rid themselves of a growing hooligan problem , the clubs agreed on Wednesday to begin converting their grounds into all-seat stadiums and to petition the government for grant aid .
11 For their part the Brazilians want to play British oppositon to remind themselves of what it feels like to be searching for the ball in the air for much of the game .
12 The Brazilians want to remind themselves of the British style before they meet Scotland in Italy .
13 With Europe in recession and fears about unemployment , Britain and other countries which could previously be relied upon to put the case for a freer market ( and a bigger share for themselves of Japanese investment ) are no longer being heard .
14 I am sadder yet that with all their sacrifices , the Iraqis have yet to rid themselves of their biggest problem , the scourge of Saddam .
15 Neither father nor mother can deprive themselves of their rights , except in the case of a separation agreement between husband and wife ; and even such an agreement will not be enforced by the court if the court considers it not to be for the child 's benefit .
16 West Indies , for their part , are simply playing their own game and , since it has made them the most powerful team in the world , can not see why they should deprive themselves of their trump cards just because other countries can not produce trump cards of their own .
17 For the people as a whole , therefore , the destruction of the Temple and the exile to Babylon came to be viewed as a dramatic realization of these doom prophecies , and proof of the absolute power of the jealous God Yahweh , and — harnessing these concepts to their own pragmatic ends — the exiles set about ridding themselves of all impurity in an effort to regain his favour .
18 At lunch at the commissary of 20th Century Fox , Spyros P. Skouras ( he who had insisted that his movie makers clear themselves of Communist taint ) asked in his speech where else in the world but in America could a poor Greek boy have become so important a person as president of 20th Century Fox ?
19 The Scots could not rid themselves of the English .
20 The Councils could never rid themselves of their reputation as just another manifestation of Political Dissent for the simple reason that the charge was essentially true .
21 But having collected the first item on Alex Ferguson 's spring shopping list they hope it will prove to be the lever to rid themselves of a 25-year burden .
22 If those other components are themselves of a kind that , for example , influences the Earth 's supply of radiation , then we see that positively minute additions , at least of some kinds of pollutants , could have profound consequences for living things .
23 The subscription is quoted at £3 3s. 0d. for Gentlemen and £2 2s. 0d. for Ladies and urges those wanting to join ‘ to do so at once and avail themselves of the present low subscription free of entrance fee ’ .
24 There are hundreds of cases of men who took the most drastic and precarious actions to rid themselves of , what is after all , a minor irritant .
25 The second was the decision of the American Supreme Court that they should divest themselves of monopoly control of the cinema chains which , as Heston said , was in hindsight a death blow which merely served to hasten the financial decline of each and every studio .
26 Other examples of applications of high energy technology to agriculture and stock-rearing , such as deep boreholes in semi-arid areas are discussed by Cliffe and Moorsom ( 1979 ) , and Kassapu ( 1979 ) , where it becomes even more difficult for those with dwindling resources to avail themselves of soil conserving and yield enhancing new technologies .
27 The white passengers would avail themselves of the services of a hotel , in a colonial verandaed style not unlike that of the station itself , just beside the tracks .
28 It is certainly true that in many cases warts will regress and even disappear without any treatment , but it is unclear why this should happen and there is no way of predicting which sufferers will be able to rid themselves of the warts or how to stimulate the body 's defence to that end .
29 For many Arab people , their ambivalence about supporting Saddam Hussein is secondary to their desperate need to rid themselves of a system imposed by outside forces ; a system that enables a small ruling Arab elite to plunder the region 's resources , siphoning off cheap oil to the West , while millions of Arabs live in dire poverty , struggling to survive the economic blows dealt to the Arab nation by the West .
30 During the strike , there were allegations that the police used binding-over orders in cases which they knew could never result in convictions but in which they wanted to avail themselves of the opportunity for the imposition of bail conditions which they knew such a charge would give them ( Christian , 1985 : 133 ) .
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