Example sentences of "saw as " in BNC.

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1 This stance is partly a reaction against what Krauss saw as a dominant position in American criticism , by which ‘ the art of the last hundred and thirty years , the art of modernism , is not being well served by writing that promotes the myths through which it can be consistently misread ’ .
2 The poet did not share this sense , he actively disliked it , but he could not escape — not even in Europe — from what he saw as the balefulness of that inheritance .
3 Meanwhile , significant groups of intellectuals and artists , often in a somewhat modish , self-conscious way which attracted derision in the press , seemed to move away from identification with their society , so alien to their instincts did what they saw as the unacceptable , philistine face of Thatcherism appear to be .
4 It was increasingly difficult for the government to rely on popular hostility towards the teachers ' unions in getting through what many saw as a direct attack on quality in the schools .
5 When he looked back upon his short time at the Choir School of King 's College , it was the meeting with Milner-White which he saw as the memorable gift from the school .
6 Eliot , however , is content to show this here without curbing Sweeney 's activities ; they are too useful as violently funny weapons against the high priests of the progressive individualism of Eliot 's youth , whom he saw as false prophets of a rigid pseudo-themis , ‘ Matthew and Waldo , guardians of the faith , / The army of unalterable law . ’
7 I began to understand him a little The rubber clothing , for example , I never saw as part of his own sexual fantasy world , but as part of the fascination he had with all secret worlds .
8 Perhaps the most important evidence adduced for Maxse 's radical right outlook is the fact that he tended to lapse into what Richard Hofstadter saw as the chief characteristic of such politics , namely a ‘ paranoid style ’ .
9 He gave the union leaders the opportunity to tell him in a forthright manner where they thought he was going wrong with his policies and he in turn did some pretty plain talking about what he saw as their shortcomings .
10 Laing thought very highly of Sir Douglas , whom he saw as ‘ a man of great integrity and absolutely straightforward ’ .
11 She goes every evening to the post , ’ and they began to laugh again at what they saw as a mocking mirror of their own flowering .
12 Rose 's coming to the house had smoothed their lives and allowed them to concentrate everything on school and study , which , above all , they saw as a way out of the house and into a life of their own .
13 Another important aspect of Marx 's notion of the Asiatic mode of production is that it offers an explanation of what he saw as the surprising stability of Asian states .
14 Kahlo 's adoption of Tehuana dress , while being an attractive disguise of what she saw as a less than perfect body , asserted both a feminist and an anti-colonialist position .
15 The painting was agreed to by Luce in part to recompense for what she saw as her misjudgment of her dead friend .
16 It was , he said , ‘ more Draconian than any deselection committee ’ , affecting people 's future in what he saw as a ‘ most sad process ’ .
17 He did n't want to exacerbate what he saw as an existing weakness of his own in that respect , and although he was not censorious of other people , I think he was genuinely quite frightened of it , and at one point in the Arts Lab , when there was quite a lot of speed pills , amphetamines , going around amongst the young people there , he did speak out very strongly one evening against it , saying that he personally did not want anything like that around anything he was closely involved with because he felt that it was not a good thing for people to be speeding and it created the sort of vibes that might end up causing problems .
18 On these occasions the gloves came off as the Service most adversely affected sought support in Parliament , in the media , from industry , and from the electorate , in what it saw as its fight for survival .
19 In the 1720s , having become disillusioned with what he saw as a decline in the moral and spiritual standards of European culture , he formed the project of founding a college in Bermuda for the sons of English settlers and natives , both from Bermuda and the American mainland .
20 But he was equally unhappy with the typical alternative , with what he saw as the uneasy combination of materialism and immaterialism .
21 His autobiography makes it clear that Terence O'Neill had no sympathy with what he saw as parochial unionism .
22 As the examples already given illustrate , most of the protests concerned what the conservatives saw as government weakness .
23 And so what credit O'Neill might have acquired for his reform package was instantly lost by what Catholics saw as a refusal to confront the loyalist mobs who really ran Northern Ireland .
24 O'Neill made an impassioned defence of his policies on television and appealed for support for what he saw as the only course that could save Ulster from deepening civil unrest .
25 Now Brian Faulkner resigned from the cabinet over what he saw as O'Neill 's capitulation to British pressure .
26 In the end they were committed , as he was , to the preservation of a Protestant Ulster , to the suppression of what they saw as a republican rebellion , and to the restoration of majority rule in Northern Ireland .
27 Other early ministers were pushed into politics by the reaction of others to what they saw as religious activity .
28 Many of them also nurtured hopes that a new commercial sector would offset what their flights of fancy saw as the ‘ bolshie ’ bias of the BBC .
29 My periods , which had always been topsy-turvy and which I saw as a real indicator of health and wellbeing , settled into a reliable pattern .
30 Often they had not told anyone about what they saw as a trivial event , but had buried their feelings of embarrassment and fear until they resurfaced in the shape of an obsession .
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