Example sentences of "take week " in BNC.

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1 There would be bad , and good , effects and it would take weeks , even months , for her to assimilate them .
2 As dozens of workmen and structural engineers moved in yesterday to sweep up and make the area safe , it became clear that it will take weeks , possibly months , to return to normal .
3 When Charles heard this news , and we must remember that even the fastest military courier might take weeks to bring such a message , he returned to Saxony with astonishing speed , taking the Saxons by surprise .
4 I am sure you will win her over with patience , but it might take weeks rather than hours or days .
5 It may take weeks or months for clear and credible standards to emerge and you must be willing to update them regularly .
6 Men went down the main shaft and tried to clear it by shovelling the slurry into tubs which were then hauled to the surface but this was soon abandoned as it was realised that it would take weeks or months to clear a way through to the trapped men .
7 Very soon , however , it was realised that the fall of rock was so extensive that it would take weeks to reach John and , naturally , the initial urgency waned .
8 In a new pond , which is effectively what you have , the filter must be allowed to mature the water , which can take weeks or even months .
9 Only in the final stages of breakdown does the nutrient become available for uptake by living plants , and this can take weeks or even months .
10 POSC believes non object-oriented methods of integrating data can take weeks or months — if it 's done at all due to the complexity of what 's involved .
11 A tremendous amount of condensation remains after a building is completed and it can take weeks and weeks to dry out if left to itself .
12 I had no intention of going through the proper channels ; it could take weeks .
13 Their immune systems are so damaged that colds and bugs which normally take a few days to clear can take weeks or months .
14 While this is a considerable improvement on the former method , it does nothing to reduce the paper-work involved or to shorten the time before a buyer is entered on the company 's register and receives his share certificate — which will take weeks and sometimes months .
15 Besides , ’ she added practically , ‘ it might take weeks to catch them all in .
16 It 's a long and drawn out affair — one minute of cartoon can take weeks to build .
17 And a siege could take weeks , she knew .
18 De Macon was at sea , it would take weeks to send a petition to Wolsey , and my master was immersed in his good works at Ipswich .
19 It would take weeks of back-breaking work .
20 If they intend to have a go , it 'll take weeks to organize , but that does n't matter .
21 Most animals gradually recover although complete return to normality may take weeks or months .
22 The family can find forgiveness but not comprehension of a crime which it will take weeks to clear up .
23 A week ago she had a hysterectomy ; a major operation that will take weeks , maybe months , to recover from .
24 It may take weeks , or it may be months .
25 It may take weeks , or it may be months .
26 DP , Stirling Assuming there are no complications you have not mentioned — for example , that the property is still in the name of someone else who left it to you in the first place — then the changes you requested should take weeks rather than months .
27 Russian authorities are expected to file a request for his extradition , but it could take weeks before Swedish authorities decide whether the hijackers will be sent home or face trial in Sweden .
28 It takes about three hours to make a basic card , but can take weeks to produce the more exotic patterns .
29 So he 'd been to the doctors about few weeks ago and he 'd been repairing his shed , said there was water coming in and he went to he said oh you 've pulled a ligament or something he said , it 'll take weeks for it to clear up but anyhow he went back again about a fortnight ago .
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