Example sentences of "using time " in BNC.

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1 So we navigate at night by relating built-up areas to the map and using time and distance — flying on a known heading for a known time .
2 The head also needs to reward those who are on the right lines through drawing attention to successes , prominently displaying thank you letters on the staff room notice board , using time to convince , cheer , direct , push and urge .
3 Increased confidence can also be the result of using time when unemployed to acquire new skills .
4 This is a training exercise during which the parent learns to use appropriate commands and follow through after five seconds either by rewarding and attending to the child if he or she has complied or by using time out if not .
5 If these strands were antiparallel spin diffusion crosspeaks would be expected to be visible between G2H1 and G5H8 , and vice versa. 5122K data sets were acquired using time proportional phase incrementation ( ref. 31 ) in phase-sensitive mode , with a sweep width of 7,812.5Hz .
6 Even a twenty minute walk across the park , and a sandwich in the fresh air , is an effective way of using time productively .
7 In a series of studies using time series data on fertility and female employment ( Joshi , Layard and Owen , 1985 ; De Cooman , Ermisch and Joshi , 1987 and 1988 ; Ermisch , 1987 ) the following account has emerged .
8 Using time of death in relation to delivery , gestation , and absence or presence of congenital abnormalities , we classified each death into one of four categories : congenital malformations ; macerated stillbirths ( prepartum stillbirths ) ; asphyxia in labour ( intrapartum stillbirths and early neonatal deaths at >=38; weeks ' gestation ) ; and immaturity ( early neonatal deaths at <38 weeks ' gestation ) .
9 Should anyone ever make difficult decisions or should he work on them — using time as an ally if necessary — until they become easy enough to be made ?
10 Not necessarily using time which are a lot more something where they 're completed .
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