Example sentences of "looking a " in BNC.

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1 Jamie was looking a little fragile and they browsed through coffee and a restrained bottle of house red for the first hour .
2 But no-one gives a second glance to a frail Japanese man , who stands , cupping his hand over a cigarette , looking a little lost amid the general traffic .
3 Its effects can vary from never looking a man in the eye or never arguing with a man , to wearing a Burkha .
4 All right , it 's looking a little dated now ; the steering wheel is absurdly large , even by Mercedes ' standards , and someone else makes a smoother , quieter V8 .
5 She 's encouraged him to cut his hair and lose weight , and still Andrew somehow ca n't help looking a little scruffy .
6 Things are looking a bit funny — you know , a bit dizzy-making .
7 He was not reassured by hearing Bruce Davidson in the passage cheerily observing to Catherine that she was looking a bittie pale ; was it just the London air , or had she been burning the candle at both ends ?
8 Looking a long way out along one line , it found ‘ walls ’ of galaxies at regular intervals .
9 Each is eager to present himself as the most qualified man to head off protectionist measures and to restore Japan 's good name , which lately has been looking a little tarnished .
10 He leaned across her looking a trifle insulting .
11 Alan Hardy said later : ‘ I remember she came in costume for her audition looking a little on the tarty side .
12 She 's still looking a little wan .
13 The shares are still looking a long way ahead .
14 A big grey five-year-old , Sunset And Vine jumped well in the Lily Tree Novice Hurdle and stormed home well clear looking a horse with a real future — some of it , I hope on the right channel .
15 David D. is always well briefed , usually good-humoured , though he was looking a little frayed by the small hours of Friday .
16 For a second it looked as if he might make a stab at it , but then he saw John Wakeham , looking a little crestfallen , coming out in front of him , while behind John Patten , Tony Newton , Michael Portillo and Sir Patrick Mayhew were about to swing through Downing Street gates .
17 He was looking a prime candidate for another maiden fifty when Abington , his last-wicket partner , like Johnson before him , strolled down the pitch and was well and truly Pottered .
18 Sir , ’ I add because he 's looking a bit explosive .
19 ‘ You 're looking a bit tired , ’ Maggie commented to Laura as she gave the porridge another stir .
20 The furniture is looking a bit shabby , though .
21 He was ‘ a very very severe Edwardian ’ , looking a bit like the king , with
22 She was looking a bit like she had the morning of her hysterectomy .
23 They left my picture of the typical Methodist looking a bit bland .
24 He gloried in looking a veteran flyer ; the survivor of untold numbers of daring sorties .
25 ‘ The effect of looking a bit deeper made more difference than anyone thought , ’ summarises Peter Frey , a psychologist at North-Western University who has written the basic text in the field , Chess Skill In Man and Machine ( Springer-Verlag 1977 ) .
26 Saracens regained the lead , with the home team looking a bit nervous .
27 The Friar nodded and got to his feet , picked up his sack , put it down again , and finally tied the neck in a tight knot , looking a little shamefaced as he did it .
28 Just because there is no job immediately on the horizon do not turn up looking a mess .
29 The future is now also looking a great deal rosier for children with solid tumours .
30 By now my interlocutors , who are apt to be young and sensitive souls , much perturbed by the effect that German-led interest rates have already had on their standard of living , tend to be looking a bit peaky and green about the gills .
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