Example sentences of "looking at " in BNC.

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1 Still , by reading , and looking at Lee Krasner 's pictures in New York galleries , she was able to defend an independent liking for her SoHo artist .
2 Even though critics may not be as learned as their art-historical colleagues , there is no good reason for their practised eyes to cloud over when looking at art of other periods .
3 In her mind there was a set of events which includes reading about a work of art and looking at it .
4 A sound guide has an edge over the printed page , since the listener is looking at what is being described , interpreted and judged .
5 There is no one way of looking at a sculpture by Leinberger and similarly there is no one angle or distance from which we see it anything like whole , but there is something like a normal sequence of approach .
6 In How Prints Look , first published in 1943 , he wrote ‘ an elementary introduction to the appearances ( the outward and visible signs ) of prints ’ , and cautioned that : ‘ Most of the time spent over it should be given to looking at its pictures . ’
7 Comparison of illustrations of the same picture in several publications will demonstrate this truism , while the best test of looking at a reproduction in front of the picture itself can be a disheartening experience .
8 A lecture audience looking at a slide projection , incidentally , may also suffer from seeing distorted colours , though art museums take some care to sell transparencies of a satisfactory quality .
9 Yet I know of no picture in which the mid-day heat of Midsummer is so admirably expressed ; and were not the eye refreshed by the shade thrown over a great part of the foreground by some young trees , that border the road , and the cool blue of water near it , one would wish , in looking at it , for a parasol , as Fuseli wished for an umbrella when standing before one of Constable 's showers .
10 Wolfe puts his argument as follows : ‘ What I saw before me was the critic-in-chief of the New York Times saying : In looking at a painting today , ‘ to lack a persuasive theory is to lack something crucial ’ .
11 In truth , the camera is a ruthless editor of visual information ; this can be made plain by looking at a picture , say of the eighteenth century , and comparing it with a contemporary print , perhaps an aquatint , and a modern photograph .
12 ‘ At the end of the exhibition , looking at a painting entitled Black on Grey , and dated 1970 , I tried to pay attention , ‘ bare attention ’ , to its visual forms .
13 Everyone who wants to act professionally should try to see as much drama as they possibly can — and this means in the broadest sense , watching television , cinema , visiting the theatre and looking at the actor 's work carefully and analytically .
14 An agent looking at a student actor makes a reasonable commercial judgement ; he considers whether a decision to take on an actor will be financially justified .
15 And even more difficult in an audition situation where they are looking at your height , weight and how much stage you can fill by your very presence .
16 As we examine the dominant beliefs of the two alliances , it must be stressed that we are not looking at beliefs possessed by each and every person who identifies to a greater or lesser extent with either set of traditions .
17 Rather we are looking at those beliefs , supported by significant power bases within each bloc , which have won out in the political process in the past seventy years and still appear to be doing so , in some cases with much decreased vitality .
18 Looking at .
19 Place in gallery with no windows and visitors everywhere looking at pictures on walls and it is something else .
20 Today , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , the glass will stand in a gallery , lit by artificial light , with no right and no wrong way of looking at it , no left and no right hand , no salvation or damnation .
21 Looking at glass ditto .
22 as if I was holding the thought in my hands , looking at it , turning it about .
23 He tried before leaving , as he was looking at his watch , to press me about the glass , but we know each other too well .
24 MAFF is looking at revising rules governing the labelling of cooked food on menus .
25 Of particular relevance to the industry is the sub-group on local authority purchasing and the research project looking at small- and medium-sized suppliers and the public sector purchasers which deal with them .
26 Those which have are reaping impressive rewards simply by identifying precisely the services or products customers want ; looking at their most lucrative areas ; finding out what clients really value ; and establishing what would make them move to a competing hotel .
27 Operations manager Siobhan Hunter , who is responsible for the Morgan Grenfell contract , says : ‘ We 've been looking at computers for the past 18 months , and we went for Caterdata , having seen it in action at BE Services , the in-house caterer at the Bank of England . ’
28 Price recommends all caterers to not only determine the micron thickness when looking at silver-plated cutlery , but also to ask for this to be specified on the invoice .
29 Doctor 's looking at him now .
30 I looked around , and it seemed that everyone was looking at Kezia .
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