Example sentences of "looking out " in BNC.

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1 They sat in silence then looking out to either side of the steeply tumbling rocks interspersed with dry , hard Mediterranean shrubs .
2 If the minister had been looking out from his manse windows , he would have thought that his prophecy had found honour in its own country at last .
3 By now they were in among thickening crowds of people , nodding to acquaintances and looking out for their own key men from down the valley .
4 Enthusiasts were less surprised that much of that investment went sour through design faults and technical failures , and grieved that so little thought was given to the simple , old fashioned matter of looking out , the deprivation of forward and backward view that had encouraged so much travel on the first generation of multiple units allegedly being due to the unions not liking the public seeing their men at work .
5 It stands on a small hill , higher than the other villas , with a private approach road and a large balcony looking out to sea .
6 See , when I go out , I 'm looking out for me and my mate , I do n't want some researcher in the back who 's just going to be a liability …
7 As the first years passed , and the courses of lectures did not have to be prepared out of nothing , he sat at the bay window in the sub-warden 's study , looking out towards the cathedral , and started to write his first book .
8 The union is constantly looking out for ways like this to show promoters , record companies and the rest of the music industry the right way to treat musicians , and to remind the business yet again of their responsibility to put back into music just a small part of the rewards which they enjoy , thanks to the skills of musicians .
9 I was sitting there looking out of the window and suddenly this wonderful record came on .
10 ‘ We 'll be looking out for you , ’ Rose said as they kissed .
11 It is a full-length portrait showing the young queen very formally dressed , in a stiff conventional pose , looking out at the spectator .
12 Wexford had an idea , drawn partly from experience in looking out of his office window , that when two dogs meet they inevitably fight .
13 I ai n't got no money , but I do n't reckon they 'll mind me sitting there and just looking out the window .
14 I ai n't really scared of the dark , not normally , but looking out there , it 's a bit scary .
15 Jack fell quickly into the routine of looking out for the absurdities in his father 's speech to put into a P'dayta-Pie for Warnie ; but he had no heart for it .
16 At that time it was the idea of looking out over fields of swaying poppies and cornflowers that appealed to the Prince .
17 Richard , wearing the new dressing gown and slippers that had been his mother 's practical present , stood at the window , looking out over the bare countryside .
18 When she left him , he stood at the window for a long time , looking out over the newly-awakened countryside .
19 Finally , he is looking out for support material for Christian detached youth workers .
20 Looking out of our window we saw US tanks coming over the Bridge of the Americas , which links the west bank of Panama — where some US bases are located — with the east side , on which the rest of the bases , most commission installations , the Panama Defence Forces ( PDF ) headquarters and Panama City itself , are situated .
21 So there was always a bottle of Reisling and a guitar , his Japanese kimono and him staying in bed , looking out of the window at the wolves chasing the train as we went through Siberia in the snow , whereas Geoffrey McCormack ( or Warren Peace as he was known professionally ) and I would get off at nearly every stop if we were awake , and run around on the platform .
22 Peter Yeo was still looking out of the window , and Claudia glanced at his familiar back , too short and too broad despite the most expensive tailoring , with real anxiety , ‘ You do n't honestly think that , do you , Peter ?
23 For my part , looking out for the future , I do not view the process with any misgivings .
24 Split peas are either yellow or green ; the green variety is more difficult to find but has a fuller flavour than the yellow and is therefore worth looking out for .
25 Looking out of the car window , we notice that the storm is over and already the streets are dry again .
26 Looking out , she saw men in suits getting into the medium-sized cars .
27 The two men were so different — opposites even : Lajos acting out his tragedy to the world Christopher-Stefan self-contained , self-reliant , intensely private , yet looking out rather than in .
28 ‘ There 's your Dad now , ’ said his Mum looking out of the window .
29 He noticed , looking out of the window that there was a lot of snow left in the garden , white , not dirtied at all , piled up against the fence .
30 The next thing , he saw Lee looking out of the window .
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