Example sentences of "face with " in BNC.

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1 Goldberg , pushing the typewriter away from him , wiped his face with his handkerchief and took a sip of orange juice .
2 I merely smiled and he got up , patting his face with his handkerchief , talking about the pollution of the water in London , about tests carried out and how soon everyone would have to boil drinking water first , it 's turning into a third-world city , he said , a third-world country , no one will admit it but England is turning into a third-world country .
3 Bunty , in a rather grubby pink kimono , turned from the mirror where she was padding her face with a caked flat powderpuff .
4 One result of this moral panic was that , even as the anxiety mentioned by Furlong ( ibid. ) forced us to react to these public demands with some arrests , we insiders with ‘ special knowledge ’ , who were working face to face with the counter-culture , knew there was a different social reality abroad which we could never adequately explain to the entrepreneur or encapsulate for the media headline .
5 Jay lay on her bed , sipping coffee and touching her own face with the tenderness she felt for Lucy , closed her eyes with the dizzy perfection of that moment in the conservatory when they had touched , when she had touched Lucy , and Lucy had walked beside her , seen what she saw ; when her eyes had met Jay 's , dancing with the glory of it all .
6 This causes the contestant to try and get even closer to the opponent 's face with subsequent jabs , in order to pick up that elusive score .
7 Lean away as you do this to avoid getting hit in the face with a snap punch .
8 She rose on to her knees and looked as though she was praying , but her eyes were fully open and the clenched look on her remarkably white face with its mannish black eyebrows suddenly reminded him of her dead mother .
9 Menzies himself had a yellow face with a stained-looking flush on each cheekbone , and when he felt a bout of fever coming on , he drank to drown the symptoms .
10 We were now face to face with this man of diverse talent — poet , novelist , song-writer , performer — after following his career for nearly two decades , reading his books , playing his records , watching him sing , reading of him through the eyes of his critics — no easy feat when one is not inhibited by astigmatism !
11 His hand was warm ; he pulled her face to his face with his warm hand .
12 She splashed her face with cold water at the sink ; she dressed , made a sandwich , filled her thermos with coffee , packed a compass and a map into her knapsack , laced her walking boots and fixed her pedometer to her belt .
13 This predicament arises out of the demise of consciousness , when only consciousness , understood in a traditional way , can bring us face to face with , and hence give us any grasp on , the qualitative , as opposed to relational , properties .
14 I tried a pink old lady with the future of the universe mapped on her face with linear symbols just waiting to be decoded by anyone who had the wisdom and the patience to want to do so .
15 The first Fairy is slow and gracious to denote Beauty ; she encircles her face with her hand and displays the line of her arm ( the traditional gesture for beauty ) .
16 Jess was a mellow sort of chap until he came face to face with a light bulb
17 One girl said that she had been unable to breathe , and was only able to do so when she covered her face with a pillow .
18 As we dance I find myself staring at the French girl — she has a very pretty face with long , dark hair on to her shoulders , slim build and about 5′ 2″ in height .
19 We are brought face to face with the question , ‘ What is the purpose of human life itself ? ’
20 Unfortunately nonsense remains , however many people accept or pretend to accept it ; and it has a nasty habit of exploding in a nation 's face with effects which can be as devastating as those of a nuclear weapon .
21 Jim had stomped downstairs wiping the blood off his face with a handkerchief and later it had been Jo and Lisa who had packed his bags and told him never to come back to the house .
22 Doggy leaps up on me and tries to wash my face with a tongue like a coarse bastard file .
23 Well , for once a 25-year-old test with the fastest figures this magazine had ever produced at the time seems positively understated when you come face to face with the reality .
24 Joey 's used to dealing with difficult customers , but when he comes face to face with a gun-toting angry young man , it takes all his soothing charm to save the day .
25 I sort of rub my face with my hands and have a proper look , but I ca n't find none .
26 She takes the towel off me and then squats down and begins brushing bits of hair off of my face with her fingers .
27 Against his better judgement Herr Nordern gulped some beer and then mopped his face with his handkerchief .
29 The emotive logo — the crudely drawn child 's face with a big blue teardrop rolling from its eye — became familiar to every family in Britain .
30 Lily covered her face with her hands and began to sob .
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