Example sentences of "doing the " in BNC.

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1 I mean , Sugar and Spice for example by Nigel Williams ; I 'd love to have a go at doing the part of Sharon sometime , I think anything that is well written — that 's important .
2 I remember doing the Stoppard play Undiscovered Country which was a great help and drama school needs to do more of that sort of thing .
3 Auditions are quite unreal — I mean , how can anyone show what they are about by coming into a room and doing the opening speech of a play ?
4 Though it is never possible to be sure one is doing the right thing , he wrote .
5 He was doing the cake judging for us , as he always does , every year .
6 ‘ Oh , he was n't doing the talking at that point , Inspector .
7 All around me there were young couples , arm in arm , doing the same .
8 You have been doing the right thing by cutting out the dead wood you found in spring , but these plants do get very straggly , and to get the best out of it you will need to be a bit more ruthless .
9 For my contemporaries in the postgraduate school at Durham in the early 1980s , the inclusion of the scientism of the self ( to use Okely 's phrase ) became part of ‘ doing the business ’ ( to move to the jargon of my contemporaries in the detective departments ) .
10 A detective inspector shrugged this off , arguing from ‘ practical mastery ’ and ‘ insider 's ’ knowledge , that the practices of ‘ doing the business ’ remained undisturbed outside of the PACE interview .
11 My practical mastery had made me acutely aware of the boundaries which separate those inside the institution from those excluded from the specialist knowledge of ‘ doing the business ’ and I was more than ever aware of the suspicions which would have been aroused if I had introduced questions of an academic nature , or had distributed questionnaires .
12 I 'm only doing the other stuff to be with you .
13 He brought these to a fitting conclusion by doing the Advanced Course in Creative Writing , which was open only to students selected on merit .
14 ‘ Could you open another one , Roger ? ’ she asked , ‘ I 'm doing the rounds . ’
15 Kenneth MacMillan is a master of many styles and views but it was he who first revealed Lynn Seymour 's dramatic gifts in Romeo and Juliet and has more recently been doing the same for Darcey Bussell .
16 The next stage in the work , Mackenzie says , will be to produce a real-time version of the system , using a Texas Instruments TMS320C30 DSP chip , which will be able to deliver a short sequence of the waveform , while doing the maths to generate the next section .
17 A lot of my friends are pleased that the company is doing the job they are doing .
18 In by-elections , county elections and in the European Parliament elections , the public , he said , was telling Labour : ‘ You are doing the right thing .
19 ‘ There will be a few candidates for doing the same thing in this part of the world if he gets away with it , ’ one Welsh international said , ‘ and I for one will be very interested to see how it develops .
20 ‘ We know who is doing the killing , ’ said one .
21 Gryschenko , 42 , from Kiev , had had grave doubts about doing the first leg of the race .
22 The Russian felt inadequate , but was persuaded that not doing the leg would just put him further behind as the crew developed experience .
23 The job hardly existed until a century ago , when orchestral works began to require such large forces that composers - Berlioz , Wagner or Mahler — resorted to doing the job themselves to ensure a modicum of accuracy ( Haydn and Mozart , with their smaller orchestras , had managed effectively by waving a hand from the keyboard ) .
24 The fall in the shares also reflects the fact that the more Saatchi does to put its house in order , the less chance there will be of a third party doing the job instead .
25 Exactly 11 years later , I find myself doing the same job , this time in the Kremlin .
26 Lots of credits to the downstairs bunch doing the cooking , whose recipes were collected by Lorenza de'Medici .
27 The smooth-talking soothsayer is played by Ron Moody : ‘ Doing the voice-over made me realise just how intelligent and satirical the writing is .
28 Concern about our motives in doing the research was combined with a feeling that it would do those participating in it little good , but would certainly benefit those in the police management and outside who wanted to do them harm .
29 That is , policing is experiential : it is based on the common sense that is built up from doing the job , and senior constables have some influence on the meaning which new recruits give this ‘ common sense ’ .
30 If you could try and pinpoint one of them that 's doing the shouting .
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