Example sentences of "probably for " in BNC.

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1 Probably for this reason most of the glass fibre gliders are not cleared by the manufacturers for cloud flying .
2 But by 1985 the sad reality had to be faced that — so far as InterCity was concerned — the market had changed , probably for ever .
3 It was a crash course in survival , and in learning how to get on with people ; but when he made friends there , he knew , probably for the first time in his life , that he was liked for who he was and not what he was .
4 This burial mound , probably for the Anglo-Saxon King Redwald , contained a rich treasure which gives a startling insight into the wealth of the ruling classes in seventh-century East Anglia .
5 However , this reasoning is not accepted in English law for non-homicide offences , and provocation is not generally allowed to reduce a more serious offence to a less serious offence — probably for reasons associated with the policy of efficient administration ( see Chapter 3.3(m) ) , which the significance of death is thought to outweigh in homicide cases .
6 Although SHe suffered a disquieting disappointment when Jahsaxa told hir Malamute would not be coming back ( not even a goodbye ! ) , it was probably for the best .
7 Of course , we hope that Baker will undertake pioneer work and organise courses in neighbouring rural areas but probably for the moment any courses under Chapter III could be arranged in the usual way .
8 Nicky responded because , probably for the first time in his life , someone had shown trust in him and had treated him with respect .
9 School Drama Festivals , Youth Drama Festivals with notable exceptions almost disappeared ( there must be a generation of young teachers coming into our profession who do not know what such things are ) and even Adult Drama Festivals ( probably for different reasons ) became less popular .
10 Perhaps because they were the first in the field , or more probably for deeply rooted socio-political reasons , the classicists have never been seriously challenged — theories have come and theories have gone but the belief in the control function of management has remained — even more so at the level of practice than of theory , although at that level , some insights can be gained .
11 A detailed study of 9 communes in the Monts Domes area of the Puy-de-Dome department ( all LFA ) showed that the utilised agricultural land increased from 9,369 hectares it , 1970 to 10 , 169 hectares in 1980 ( an 8% rise ) , probably for the same reasons given above in this mountainous part of the Auvergne .
12 In academic libraries a large number of requests for a new book may suggest that it is a recommended text , and is likely to influence the number of copies purchased ( probably for the short loans collection ) .
13 The total number of schools associated with the various projects is small , and , while even these may not continue to incorporate the new ideas in their user education , they have been sufficiently exposed to new approaches to schools user education to suggest that for them at least and probably for many other schools traditional school library instruction will not be quite the same again .
14 The organization of conferences , seminars and other such meetings can be most time-consuming and labour-intensive , and probably for this reason the clearinghouses are not quite as active in this area as one might expect , although each of the national clearinghouses regularly organize or sponsor at least one .
15 Of these , the reindeer , reintroduced in Scotland in 1952 , is extremely limited in range ; probably for this reason it is absent from the main text .
16 The larger quantities tend to go to engineering firms — probably for degreasing in their test labs ’ .
17 This was a rather isolated place , tucked behind a hill and she used to run a little shop , probably for the company as much as anything .
18 Thanks to Margaret , her box of drugs and her camera , Kelly was beyond his reach probably for ever .
19 Some sort of hush-hush oceanography , probably for oil .
20 For the time being , and probably for the foreseeable future , the rather vague criterion remains that of ‘ episcopal ordination ’ , vague because that procedure is not peculiar to the Anglican Church .
21 If and when you find a suitable mate , then a divider will be an absolute must — probably for some months , unless she ripens and appears to be ready to spawn , in which case she may welcome the attentions of a male — but do n't bank on it ; any divider-out time should be strictly supervised .
22 Well it 's high , for sure , and probably for aficionados , pools winners and second-time mortgagees only .
23 And if I had to play them today , I 'd have to get off in a room with a record player , probably for a couple of hours and learn them . ’
24 That 's good news for the unions themselves , and probably for their members .
25 It yielded in turn to the peak or vernacular building , with a whole range of housing types carefully adapted to the varied needs and ambitions of their builders Probably for the first time , minor differentiations in social rank had a lasting impact on architectural development in Sussex .
26 But probably for this very reason , I have not forgotten it and I doubt if the participants have either .
27 Olga had always loved clothes , and he wondered for whose benefit she dressed ; probably for that godforsaken bunch of old hags , the girls .
28 You know , I do n't think he ( Souness ) has been able to pick from all his players every week certainly probably for 18 months since he 's been there .
29 It is probably for this reason that male zebra finches copulate frequently with their partners , even though a single mating is quite sufficient to fertilise all the eggs .
30 It shares ear markings with the tiger , very probably for the same reason , to provide a signal for the cubs to follow , especially at night , when their mother leads them through dense jungle .
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