Example sentences of "once [adv] " in BNC.

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1 When she had once laughingly asked , ‘ Who supplies the meat , Father , and the clothes that go between the hats and the shoes ? ’ he had come back with his usual answer to her , ‘ You 're too sharp by half ; you 'll cut yourself one of these days . ’
2 It is to be hoped that in the course of time the word ‘ fear ’ used in the context of the foregoing will be abandoned in favour of the word ‘ foreboding ’ , for the conscience , once properly developed should give warning rather than frighten , and therefore enable the individual to avoid that which could give rise to real fear .
3 Once properly dried the ground will be ready for use .
4 It was a feature of the history of technology in the nineteenth century that an invention by a craftsman , or a traditional practice , was opened up to scientific analysis ; once properly understood , it could be improved upon .
5 Establishing a pool is initially time consuming , but once properly planted and stocked it is relatively undemanding compared with many other features of the garden .
6 Once properly programmed , human error is almost entirely eradicated .
7 They were once widely distributed throughout the North and Baltic Seas , but populations here have rapidly declined as a result of environmental contaminants such as pesticide residues and toxic industrial wastes .
8 The issue of standards of evidence arises now because of a case just argued before the US Supreme Court over whether data do or do not support the allegation that a drug called Bendectin , once widely prescribed to prevent morning sickness in pregnant women , causes limb deformities in newborn babies .
9 roots provide a dye , grey , yellow or orangey depending on mordant ; fresh leaves as a liquid fertilizer , compost accelerator , and insecticide ; fibre of roots once widely used for making cloth , twine ; fresh leaves as fly deterrent
10 Also called the clove pink , clove July or carnation in modern times , this species was once widely known as the gillyflower , derived eventually from the Arabic quaranful , a clove , by way of the Greek karyophillon , the Latin caryophyllus , the Italian garofolo and the French giroflee .
11 Empirical therapy with class I antiarrhythmic drugs ( quinidine , procainamide , disopyramide ) was once widely practised but has been shown to be at best ineffective and at worst dangerous .
12 Once expressly absolved , then by operation of the general principle of the right to self-determination , the other would incur no liability for the consequences of the absolution .
13 She suddenly became aware that she must have been thinking of Naylor Massingham for quite a bit of the journey , when she was all at once incredibly jolted by a question that flashed into her head out of nowhere .
14 Travis had made her initiation into the mystery of sensuality at once incredibly tender and shockingly passionate .
15 ‘ British intellectual knife-throwing ’ and American admirer once appreciatively called it , as one accustomed to the blander or blunter literary world of the United States .
16 Even if the personal relations of baboons lack the human quality shown by chimpanzees , their societal organization is at once recognizably similar to hominid structures .
17 The people once optimistically seen as potential partners in commerce and civilization , were re-defined as ‘ lesser breeds without the law ’ .
18 ‘ I 'm not your schoolmaster , ‘ Lewis once crossly remarked to a pupil .
19 ‘ Promises ’ song was music first ( that 's hard and I 've only done it once since ) and ‘ Sincerely Yours ’ was Rab Handleigh 's ‘ tribute ’ to Barry Manilow which he performed with perfect schmaltz suavity .
20 We 've not been let down once since ‘ Wrote For Luck ’ ; danceable with brilliant lyrics , every one .
21 Someone once wittily remarked that children are the death of marriage .
22 ZIG ZAG ( 1 ) : Once rather excellent rock and punk bible that spawned many ace writers .
23 Cerruti 's house is certainly grand , but it was once rather grander .
24 SYMAP can be used on line-printers as well as dot-matrix printers ; the principle is the same , the only difference being that the line-printer outputs a full line at once rather than one character at a time , as is the case with the dot-matrix printer .
25 Much more cost effective is n't it if things to be done once rather than have to do reading them two or three times and generally the reason that things are repeated a number of times is that perhaps people are not really quite sure or not that that are systems , yet productivity the better trained people are people who can do things , get it right the first time and they can do more work ca n't they than somebody else you are not having to pick it up as the manager responsible and put mistakes right .
26 In his account of the final stage , it is as if the unheard melody of which he had some intimation suddenly becomes audible and transposes all his experience into its terms : In my prayer I was reaching out to heaven with heartfelt longing when I became aware , in a way I can not explain , of a symphony of song , and in myself I sensed a corresponding harmony at once wholly delectable and heavenly , which persisted in my mind .
27 The secret language , the underground stream that forced through her like a river , that rose and danced inside her like the pulling jet of a fountain , that wetted her face and hands like fine spray , that joined her back to what she had lost , to something she had once intimately known , that she could hardly believe would always be there as it was now , which waited for her and called her by her name .
28 Once successfully test flown , Don intends to sell the aircraft , as has been the case with previous replicas he has built — the Bristol M.1C and Sopwith Tabloid on display at the RAF Museum , Hendon .
29 Strauss once bitterly complained to me .
30 The Hungarians were once bitterly opposed to the Habsburgs .
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