Example sentences of "'d even " in BNC.

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1 She 'd even got Bert 's back up proper , over his betting and poor old Floss .
2 And she produced a sheaf of exhibition papers with a flourish ; she 'd even written some of the wording to go under the photos .
3 The management rep told me he 'd even heard whispers of sympathetic action among the statistical clerks .
4 He wrote Paddy , published in Cyril Connelly 's Horizon about 1946 , and let them all have it , which meant he 'd even less chance of getting a job after that .
5 I was amazed you 'd even heard of it , to tell the truth . ’
6 That was gone before you 'd even learned to sit Up by yourself . ’
7 I decided to give her Arsenicum Album LM1 in a 100ml bottle and within 1 month she was feeling much better , her period had been the best she could remember and she 'd even been out to a party .
8 And the typing college was a come down , I can tell you , from his idea that she would go into a profession ; he 'd even thought of university .
9 ‘ I never knew th 'd even heard of the Quakers , ’ Jess said .
10 He 'd even wanted him to .
11 He 'd even searched the vacant lots .
12 And suddenly I realised that there was a whole lot more going on than I 'd even thought of .
13 He and Kenneth started conversing using no fewer than five-syllable words before he 'd even got out of the car , and have been rabbiting happily like two philatelists over a rare collection .
14 He 'd even addressed the envelope , bought the stamp by himself and posted it .
15 He had seemed certain to become the first black Tory MP , representing Cheltenham — Norman Tebbit had tipped him as the first black cabinet minister and there 'd even been the odd hint that he might one day inhabit No 10 .
16 Perhaps he 'd even hoped so , poor chap .
17 They 'd even backed away !
18 When we got to the airport at Stansted , she 'd even arranged for the Captain to escort me on to the plane .
19 He 'd even tried his hand at tapping boots , they were done with more enthusiasm than skill , but so far there had been no complaints from the customers .
20 All those lies for Ewen Mackay before you 'd even met him ? ’
21 He 'd even been round the Horn- ’
22 He had visited the studio on and off through his time with Vanessa — he 'd even met Martine there on two occasions when her husband had cancelled a Luxembourg trip and she 'd been too heated to miss a liaison — but it was charmless and cheerless , and he 'd returned happily to the house in Wimpole Mews .
23 He 'd even got the gestation period wrong , but given the rest of it this was a minor consideration .
24 Chesarynth was across the room before she 'd even finished the thought .
25 He surfaced , briefly , but the swell rolled him over and drove him down again before he 'd even had time to draw breath .
26 She 'd even been taken to the police station by the teacher to see if they , the police , wanted to speak to her .
27 I 'd even had a call from the Archbishop of Canterbury , Robert Runcie , who had been kind enough to phone to say that he had been greatly moved by the vigil and had wanted to let me know that the situation was n't hopeless .
28 Shaun 's last years at school had been difficult he 'd even taken a swing at a teacher at one point — and he 'd earned a reputation for the motherless Hammond boys that Wayne had found himself sharing even though he 'd done nothing to earn it .
29 I 'd read the various bits and pieces a couple of times now , looking for something deep and mysterious in it all but not finding anything ; I 'd even done a little research of my own , and discovered through mum that dad had some more of Rory 's papers in his study ; she 'd promised she 'd try and look them out for me .
30 She listened without interrupting and was impressed with the way he had thought it through , his plans being laid before they 'd even landed at Manchester .
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