Example sentences of "'d [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 I could n't understand why I 'd not been killed when there were so many others who …
2 I 'd not been thinking of us as boyfriend and girlfriend , you see .
3 I was still living with my parents at the time and I 'd not long passed my driving test — with Bernie 's assistance — so I borrowed my old man 's Austin Cambridge one Sunday morning and drove over to Nick 's .
4 As the place was really his gig we could n't use it without him We 'd been talking about it for ages — and Bernie was always badgering us about it — but we 'd not really done anything about it .
5 ‘ I 'd not forgotten him , but I just could n't see why he 'd want to kill her .
6 In the fading light , she began to see things she 'd not noticed before .
7 ‘ She 'd not been long in the village .
8 No news for 6 months then she came along with an anal fissure , she 'd not had any stomach problems and in fact had only taken the Arg Nit LM3 for 2 or 3 days till the headache went .
9 My understanding of the case was that I 'd not yet found a remedy to cover the fibroid as well as everything else so I chose Phosphorus LM1 from the rubric bleeding fibroids since it covered her fears and complemented the Arsenicum .
10 Then , towards the end of August , Eachuinn Odhar got the message he 'd not expected for another month .
11 Lord , she 'd not realised the cliffs were so high !
12 They 'd not long allowed white caddies at Augusta , and the police were n't used to people like me .
13 I knew very well I 'd not got an uncle in America .
14 She 'd taxed him with trading them for snuff , which was his passion , and he 'd not denied it .
15 She 'd not had a bath since … since …
16 In the old days she 'd not had time to think about anything except how to keep out of trouble .
17 Upon our arrival at the foot of the stairs the dog made it plain that stairs were an innovation he 'd not encountered before , by staging the first of many sit-down strikes .
18 But Trevor always arrived in the morning as if he 'd not had a drink .
19 This was a setback I 'd not expected .
20 I 'd not seen 'er since 'fore dawn .
21 I 'd not been in London long and those lesbian and gay friends I had were involved in squatting more than gay liberation .
22 They 'd not really given themselves the opportunity to consider a song from beginning to end — with them it was just get high and play .
23 I 'd been doing press and touring and all that lot for two years without a break , I 'd not had time to change or take anything in . ’
24 The realization that she was working for Hauser was opening new horizons for her , but she 'd not had time to work out how she could exploit the knowledge .
25 He 'd not been sexually insistent with Judith , for instance .
26 Momentarily undecided as to whether to go on looking or to give up the chase there and then , her eyes lingered on the stranger 's face , and for a heart-beat , or less , his features blurred , and in their flux , caught as if by the sun off a wing in the stratosphere , she saw Gentle , his hair swept back from his high forehead , his grey eyes all yearning , his mouth , which she 'd not known she missed till now , ready to break into a smile .
27 Although she had climbed the West Face of the Romsdalhorn , shared leads on the Third Sella Tower and led a rope up Store Skagastoltind in the Jotenheim , she was convinced she 'd not yet experienced the full horrors and rigours of a ‘ real ’ alpine day .
28 as if this was some peculiar new word he 'd not heard before .
29 These are increasingly hard to get — a Coventry welfare rights centre had so many claimants complaining that they 'd not received their statutory entitlement to maternity grants that the centre has printed a special complaints form .
30 It was n't far from where he lived , just a stop further on the tube , but he 'd not been to the area before .
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