Example sentences of "to see [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Patiently , the practitioner examined them , me and us , and proclaimed that I would probably be able to see jolly well if I did n't have them inside out and in the wrong eyes .
2 Patiently , the practitioner examined them , me and us , and proclaimed that I would probably be able to see jolly well if I did n't have them inside out and in the wrong eyes .
3 The field observer approaching a breeding colony is likely to see mostly ( if not only ) breeding males .
4 Someone fired a shot but the trees were too thick to see properly and the boars ran out of the forest on to the open plateau above .
5 To put the case simply , such a pupil may not be able to undertake a task such as cutting out a paper figure , not because of not understanding how to do so , but because of being unable to see properly how it is done .
6 She had never learned to drive and disliked the train because , she said , you were too low in a train to see properly .
7 They were too faint to see properly , and gone as soon as seen .
8 Now a huge one awaited him , liberals looking for expression , eager literati to put in sculpture , worn-out hippies , anyone who wanted to see right done for once .
9 One of them came to see Right Said Fred in Los Angeles and there was lighthearted talk of a collaboration .
10 Clear seems to be all the rage in the US these days , what with Miller Brewing coming out with a beer that not only tastes watered , but actually looks like water , a Clear Tab from the Coca Cola Co and Pepsico pushing something called Pepsi Crystal , so it 's nice to see that IBM Corp being right up there with the trend — enter one of those hallowed and long-standing computer rooms these days and like as not you 'll be able to see right across it with no Big Iron to impede the view — the transparent mainframe .
11 Clear seems to be all the rage these days , what with Miller Brewing coming out with a beer that not only tastes watered , but actually looks like water , a Clear Tab from the Coca Cola Co and Pepsi Co pushing something called Pepsi Crystal , so it 's nice to see that IBM Corp is right up there with the trend — enter one of those hallowed and long-standing computer rooms these days and like as not you 'll be able to see right across it with no Big Iron to impede the view — the transparent mainframe .
12 The same person the same person all I 'm saying the reason that the meeting was convened this evening and the reason that Paul wants the meeting this evening was to get the views from the public about what they felt was going on at the playhouse and what they would like to see that is n't taken place I think that was the thing behind the meeting and that 's what we 'd like to see right okay . . .
13 When he remained silent but stared at her , visibly shaken , his dark green eyes seeming to see right through her , she began crying .
14 ‘ Yes , ’ said Cadfael , ‘ I think he trusts Winifred to see right done .
15 Then Julius glanced up at her , and for just an instant Jessamy seemed to see right through the protective shield with which he had surrounded himself .
16 For just an instant she seemed to see right into his eyes , past the protective barrier that he instinctively put up against intruders .
17 ‘ Or is there anything else you 'd like to see right now ?
18 The British Parliament is therefore being asked to ratify a Treaty which by the terms of the Treaty of Rome is defunct and which Denmark is likely to wish to see fundamentally changed .
19 ‘ Do n't like to see little 'uns ill . ’
20 The value of a practical education I was to see strikingly illustrated on The Guardian .
21 ‘ Those nondescript spots and blotches of fur and feathers are the wildlife we tend to see most often , ’ he writes .
22 Instead it involves a shift in function in an interactional category , and it is exactly here — in the interactions between individuals — that we would expect to see most clearly the results of inter-ethnic contact .
23 Some referees appear to see only one half of a pair of techniques and , while reverse punches are seldom missed , snap punches to the face often are .
24 Leaning across , Mungo was disappointed to see only eggs and apples ; three of each .
25 ‘ I would love to see only flowers marking the geographical border across the city , ’ said Mrs Kalina Morvina , mayor of Valga .
26 Above all , he seems to see only good in science , and ignores the dark side , where it has direct connections with exploitation , tyranny , and war .
27 But to consider only the final selection examination , is to see only half the picture .
28 However , Jones claimed to see only neutrons , and a few of those only at levels that might be interesting to science and geophysicists but of no relevance to making commercial fusion reactors . ’
29 Footballers and boxers , too , often have their entry into the sports world aided by zealous school teachers , though , overwhelmingly , they choose to see only the formative years up to , say , the age of 13 as affected by teachers .
30 The Basque nationalists , on the other hand , profess to see only pain and difficulty in going into government .
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