Example sentences of "himself as " in BNC.

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1 A nut-brown man by South Kensington standards , he is light-skinned in the West Indies : he is a Chinese Negro , who thinks of himself as a hakwai Chinee — hakwai , he explains , being ‘ Chinese for nigger ’ — and who has not failed to notice that Emily Brontë 's Heathcliff is rumoured to be the Emperor of China .
2 ‘ The image you give ’ , Fraser tells Ilse , meaning the image she gives of himself as a boy , ‘ is one of dependency , extreme docility .
3 He could well have been called a victim , and his book consigns itself , as Fraser 's does , to that large literature in which the sufferings of victims are recounted : but he does not see himself as a romantic orphan .
4 Dyer thinks of himself as ‘ a stranger to mankind ’ ; his life is led apart , ‘ in a Corner ’ .
5 So he thinks of himself as a warm-hearted , caring human being .
6 Raymond Williams ( 1921–1988 ) described himself as ‘ Welsh European ’ , novelist ( BORDER COUNTRY , SECOND GENERATION , THE VOLUNTEERS ) and dramatist ; founder of the New Left and later active in the Socialist Society ; a lifelong commentator on culture , media , the arts and contemporary affairs ( eg. THE LONG REVOLUTION , CULTURE AND SOCIETY , COMMUNICATIONS , TOWARDS THE YEAR 2000 ) .
7 Old Donald chuckled in himself as the scene in the road came over him again .
8 It was raised by Dudek in somewhat different form when he said that Leonard ‘ always had an image of himself as a rabbi . ’
9 It takes either great pretentiousness or great brilliance ( or an outrageous combination of the two ) for a young poet to proclaim himself as Orpheus in the first poem of his first book .
10 He lay on his back for a few moments as he always did , then turned onto his right side , arranging himself as if for sleep .
11 The food certainly does not wear a hair shirt , and nor does Rex , ebullient and gregarious , ensuring a meal at his place is a sort of crazy party with himself as the slightly eccentric host .
12 Nicholas Stavrogin has arrived during the summer months of 1870s , and has established himself as the one ‘ who might really be called the chief character of the novel ’ .
13 You feel him imagining himself as the last rock of culture and civilization being swept over by a wave of barbarism and Jews ( communism and commercialism ) , the saviour of more than the Constitution , the saviour of all that has been culture , the snob of the West .
14 The editor of The Criterion , from 1923 and more insistently from 1926 , revealed himself as a writer with indeed a message , of a very bleak and uncompromising sort , affronting at almost every point the suppositions of secular liberalism .
15 By then ‘ Tixier ’ had taken his anti-Gaullist crusade to the point of running himself as a presidential candidate .
16 While holding no important posts within the party and often dismissed as little more than a colourless clerk of little talent by Mao 's colleagues , he distinguished himself as a devoted and tireless servant both of Mao and his new wife Jiang Qing — qualities that would later prove far more important than any formal title .
17 The manner of Biggs 's defeat was to say the least surprising and on this evidence Mason has still a long way to go before he can think of himself as a genuine contender for the world championship .
18 Over the years , Page has established himself as a medieval raconteur , delighting his audience with tales of , say , thirteenth-century Paris ; but anecdotes aside , he has also been refining the presentation and programming so that , almost without realising it , his audiences learn a good deal about the often totally unfamiliar music being performed .
19 Keeton spent three years there before returning to Cambridge , where he established himself as a private tutor to Law students , while he waited to be invited to fill a vacancy for a legal appointment in the Foreign Office .
20 He has proved himself as a coach , and any doubts harboured at Anfield about his judgement have long since been swept away .
21 MIKHAIL Gorbachev presents himself as the saviour of socialism .
22 His books must sell , but he does not think of himself as an author .
23 England … … … 0 Australia … … .. 0 STEVE TAYLOR probably established himself as the rightful successor to his more famous namesake , Ian , when he gave an outstanding performance of goalkeeping in England 's final game in the Lada Classic at Luton yesterday - a goalless draw with the world champions .
24 In this speech , Mr Patten confirmed himself as the leading exponent in the Cabinet of a traditional Toryism owing nothing to Mrs Thatcher .
25 The peer , who is suing over allegations that he is a war criminal , described himself as a ‘ human being and a good Christian ’ .
26 If Mr Kinnock can lead his party this far , it seems at least possible that he can now turn himself outward , away from the party , and begin to project himself as a potential national leader .
27 Who , anyway , would want to read an autobiography of someone who saw himself as God 's gift to aviation and the RAF in particular ?
28 He projected himself as a man who would be worth listening to .
29 The myth that a man makes has transformations according as he sees himself as hero or villain , as young or old , but it is essentially the same myth ; Tom Jones is not the same person , but he is the same myth as Squire Western ; Midshipman Easy is part of the same myth ; Falstaff is elevated above the myth to dwell on Olympus , more than a national character .
30 Eliot sees himself as an orthodox writer , trying to make his audience aware of the need to contribute to their own living tradition .
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