Example sentences of "himself with " in BNC.

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1 Or let him damn himself with his own words ?
2 Cameron began to wonder if Mr Menzies was identifying himself with Job , and when he ended ringingly on ‘ Shall we receive good at the hand of God , and shall we not receive evil ? ’ , the suspicion was confirmed .
3 Aileen Gillies was all brisk agreement as she wrapped up some food in a cloth and gave it to them while her husband busied himself with laying the fire .
4 Out of the corner of my eye I watched him wipe himself with Kleenex tissues and drop them on the floor , indifferent to the smears of blood on them .
5 The cap that happened to get overlooked returns the reader 's gaze blankly yet unavoidably , like the bill from a restaurant abroad which the conspirators find when they turn out the dead man 's pockets , and like the child 's clay whistle which one of them has provided himself with to give the agreed signal — for he has lost so many teeth that he ca n't trust himself to produce the sound naturally .
6 Can any man who identifies himself with the British world of letters , however independent and tolerant he may be , write a fair-minded book about Pound ?
7 Hewlett , author of The Queen 's Quair , brings to mind another writer who had similarly concerned himself with Mary Queen of Scots ( ‘ La Stuarda ’ ) — that is to say , Swinburne in his Mary Stuart .
8 We should now be in a position to answer Herbert Schniedau 's question : ‘ Can any man who identifies himself with the British world of letters … write a fair-minded book about Pound ? ’
9 Here , for example , is an extract from a memorandum to a US delegate to the Paris Peace Conference by Lawrence of Arabia , who had led the Arabs to victory while torturing himself with the secret knowledge of his part in their betrayal : ‘ On 1 October ( 1918 ) , the people of Beyrout , in emulation of the Damascenes , turned on their Turkish garrison of 700 men , and took them prisoner …
10 At 30 , McEnroe is beginning to incline towards nostalgia , even though he leaves himself with little time to indulge in the luxury .
11 BERNHARD LANGER , the co-organiser of the German Masters , had the enviable task of presenting himself with the £55,000 winner 's cheque here yesterday .
12 In an interview with The Independent , he aligns himself with critics of the proposed timetable of change in the National Health Service , and he questions the Prime Minister 's ‘ sceptical ’ approach to the European Community .
13 Ryan may console himself with an unlikely piece of New Zealand rugby history .
14 Six blocks away a 52-year-old doorman who tried to protect himself with an ice pick was killed by a teenager with an automatic handgun .
15 He made his headmaster admit that military training was not ( strictly speaking ) compulsory , armed himself with a letter from his father , and won the contest of wills .
16 The Observer commented that Ramsey destroyed his chances of succeeding Fisher as archbishop by so openly identifying himself with the extreme high church party .
17 He found himself with the duty of helping to make a vital decision for the Church of England at a moment in its destiny .
18 Of course I realise that the fallacy is so crude that it would be below the dignity of any academic economist to soil himself with such much .
19 Entering again , after ‘ The Hollow Men ’ , his valley of the dry bones , Eliot dismembered himself with scarcely less thoroughness in the new Christian poetry of Part II of Ash-Wednesday , published in 1927 .
20 When he maintains the old spellings , ‘ daunsinge ’ and ‘ matrimonie ’ , Eliot links himself with his East Coker ancestor Thomas Elyot .
21 Simultaneously , he concerned himself with the idea that cities were necessary , not evil , but that ‘ without the life of the soil from which to draw its strength , the urban culture must lose its source of strength and rejuvenescence ’ .
22 He did not always side with the city , though he did concern himself with urban and industrial problems .
23 Colonel Flasher , very military bearing , exposed himself with parade ground precision .
24 She told him that he would cover himself with ridicule by bringing the boy back .
25 Mr Attlee was careful to position himself with the majority view in Cabinet .
26 He was a dour middle-aged man , who feared he was a failure and compensated himself with an excessively professorial beard and a punctiliously formal manner .
27 Although Conran is very conscious of what he buys and surrounds himself with , he has not allowed his love of good design to become a fetish .
28 It is also true at a more subtle level in that Nyerere , perhaps the finest political debater in Africa land responsible for the first translation of Shakespeare 's Julius Caesar into kiSwahili ) , left himself with no-one to debate with , at least until he left the presidency to be party chairman in 1985 .
29 To cut down on expense he did not get the big factory spreaders but started to spread it himself with tractor and shovel .
30 Behind the long black sweep of counter Sergeant Camb sat fanning himself with a newspaper , the sweat dripping down his forehead .
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