Example sentences of "himself like " in BNC.

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1 Raskolnikov does n't put it to himself like that .
2 Sometimes he talks in a foreign language — you know , just to himself like .
3 A tramp of extravagant delapidation , who attaches himself like a dog , punctuates silences with spit then suddenly , on the crest of a belch , intones in an astonishingly cultivated voice , ‘ Agnus Dei , qui tollis peccata mundi , miserere nobis ’ .
4 While others were being lionised he conducted himself like a lamb or even a mouse .
5 Ranald was first in the door , the water fair drip-dripping off him , and shakes himself like a dog .
6 ‘ He was a medieval scholar and he loved physical activity , punishing himself like the medieval saints .
7 Roger in his farm attire — leather jerkin and gaiters , and well-cut riding breeches — held himself like a soldier , unwittingly displaying his strength of nerve and muscle .
8 Holden seemed particularly nervous , repeating his lines over and over to himself like a raw newcomer terribly afraid he might forget how to deliver when the time came .
9 His flesh was red and raw , but even after wounding himself like that , which must have been pretty painful , he did n't stop .
10 The young man — not a man at all , in fact , but a boy dressed like a man , bearing himself like a man — made a strange gesture : holding one hand at head-height , he struck it with the other , palm against palm , a glancing blow .
11 He wrapped his arms round himself like a boy hugging a secret but he was so excited it came spilling out of him .
12 When he came to a stream or a fallen tree trunk , he would launch himself like a ballet dancer , but in slow motion , and land as softly as if his feet were scatter cushions .
13 You will need a detective , be it a police officer or some individual caught up for good reason in the investigation , who is capable of seeing deeply into people 's characters , of putting himself like Simenon 's Maigret into , not so much other people 's hoes , as into other people 's minds and souls .
14 So too this gnawing of himself like a fox caught in a trap forced to bite off its leg and for pain , every few moments raising its face to howl at the sky .
15 God only knew how he had tried to replace her in his thoughts and in his heart — striking relationships with one woman after another , lurching from one crisis to the next , building his business with her in mind … driving himself like a man demented and amassing a fortune , yet knowing all the time that he was striving for the impossible .
16 He sounded to himself like some tendentious student with balloon words coming out of his mouth .
17 ‘ Has anyone ever come up to you and introduced himself like that before ? ’
18 ‘ Has anyone ever come up to you and introduced himself like that before ? ’
19 ‘ No power on earth is greater , and the Yasa is his to do as he — ’ not for a Kha-Khan to amuse himself like a selfish child . ’
20 curled on himself like a wild creature ,
21 She felt him gather himself like a beast on the powerful springs of its limbs .
22 He stood in it , his clothes and skin steaming , dripping water into the urine-scented callbox , called her number , listened to it ring , called again , saying the numbers to himself like a chant , making sure his finger was in the right hole on the dial each time .
23 For a moment I thought he was about to dare to let himself like me , but the wife was watching , alas .
24 He ran a finger around his neck and shook himself like a dog settling itself inside its collar .
25 This time Sir John woke , shaking himself like a dog , mouthing the most terrible curses .
26 Their passion precluded tenderness , their lovemaking nearly fighting , and Maria could almost believe that that was really what it was , else how could Luke continue to deny her and himself like this ?
27 Rincewind , coiling himself like a spring , gave a standing jump and grasped a beam , swinging himself up into the relative safety of the roof with a strength that amazed him .
28 This man was lodging himself like an irritating burr under her skin .
29 Deep as a well , and for all his strength and prowess — for he could hold his own with any boy of his age , afoot or on horseback , when he chose — looking and bearing himself like a clerk , and sometimes even like a clerk in orders .
30 He shook his head and clucked to himself like the White Rabbit in Alice .
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