Example sentences of "himself into " in BNC.

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1 Nicholas Dyer is imagined as the builder of Nicholas Hawksmoor 's churches in the East End of London ; the enlightened edifices of a rational Christianity are thereby ascribed to a devil-worshipper , while the name ‘ Hawksmoor ’ is assigned to the Detective Chief Superintendent who , in the later narrative , frets himself into a delirium over a series of stranglings which takes place in the vicinity of the churches .
2 Many incidents and accidents are caused by lack of experience and the pilot unwittingly putting himself into situations beyond his capabilities .
3 The performance of modern gliders makes it much easier and more likely for a pilot to fly himself into a potential death trap unless he uses his imagination or has already learned to have a healthy respect for the elements .
4 As I have shown above , there is a strong tendency in the organization to dismiss the social sciences , and it therefore seems fair to suggest that any police officer who elects to read for a degree in that discipline is knowingly placing himself into a position of outsider .
5 He had brooded himself into a black dwam , and when the door opened again he started violently and spilled the last of the milk on his legs .
6 He plunged himself into all this and more , avidly reading everything that came his way ; especially poetry , and not least Spanish , Chinese and Japanese poets in translation , but chiefly that of Federico Garçia Lorca and W.B. Yeats , of whom he mused , ‘ I loved Yeats ; his connections ( such an important code-word with Leonard ! ) his rhythms . ’
7 Being adequately provided for , he was able to book himself into a downtown hotel which cost him three dollars per night , though he often failed to make it back to the hotel , finding the cosmopolitan and nocturnal life of the town there entirely to his liking : consecration dismantled !
8 When in trouble he could , like a god , make himself invisible or turn himself into an animal .
9 He used all the steps in the classical vocabulary named after Harlequin 's early ability as dancer-acrobat to change himself into an animal .
10 The old money-lender with her ‘ Jewish ’ interest rates is to be murdered because her life is worthless and her hoarded wealth can be put to good use ; when the unimportant deed is done the doer will launch himself into something that really matters , a large-scale philanthropic exercise .
11 The ‘ I ’ describing conversations he has n't direct access to , which he was n't present at , which he may not even have been told about and so may be inventing , is the ‘ character ’ Dostoevsky has turned himself into for the purpose of narrating the provincial chronicle .
12 This ‘ I ’ is the first-person narrator inside the frame of the provincial chronicle , the ‘ character ’ Dostoevsky has turned himself into .
13 Place and spirit of place is the inspiration of more poetry than we nowadays like to admit ; and to do that poetry justice , the critic needs to turn himself into a tourist .
14 But his self-education had been very thorough , so that he turned himself into a good Latinist and a good Grecian also , as Pound in Confucius to Cummins acknowledged .
15 Television and newspapers no longer praise model entrepreneurs but heroic labourers such as Zhang Fuxin , praised for throwing himself into a pit of polluted mud to retrieve a piece of equipment .
16 To crush strikes and abandon political reform would be to throw himself into the arms of those groups wedded not just to authoritarian politics but to neo-Stalinist economic institutions and principles .
17 In Yohei 's case , this collapses into a craven botch — hilariously acted by Ryo Amamiya — in which he more or less accidentally dispatches his wife but ca n't bring himself to take the plunge and throw himself into the river as promised .
18 This experience appeared to transform him and he threw himself into a great surge of composition , writing a Mass of Thanksgiving for unaccompanied choir filling 100 pages of manuscript , which he completed in 15 days , as well as other works , including a setting of Out of the Deep which is given its first performance by his choir at St Philip and St James , Cheltenham , at his funeral on today .
19 A painter whose pictures record the atrocities of the past , he acts as his uncle 's conscience and it is partly due to him that Singer — at the height of his spivvy , flashy success - throws himself into a Hampstead pond .
20 In the other match , Jonathan Speelman claimed a time-out , taking a break in order to think himself into the right frame of mind to fight his way back into the match .
21 He put himself into the hands of a psychiatrist who passed him to another psychiatrist , Leonard Browne .
22 At Liverpool he turned himself into the most powerful preacher in all England .
23 Here it is , he said and pulled out a bottle of foul-looking medicine that could well have been the very stuff that Dr Jekyll used to turn himself into Mr Hyde .
24 When he did get up to go to the room he looked like someone who had lost the train of thought he had set out on and had emptied himself into blankness , aware only that he was still somehow present .
25 Within Spanish art itself , on the other hand , the line is almost too simple : Goya was intensely aware of Velázquez , Picasso of both , but for Gironella the problem is not just that Picasso could be seen to have inserted himself into the next place in the sequence but that as a Mexican an unequivocal position in any such art-historical lineage is utterly unattainable .
26 Wexford let himself into his own house and the dog Clytemnestra galloped to meet him .
27 He threw himself into the exercises with a hind of despairing frenzy .
28 Now , Armani is Italy 's new Great Dictator but his genius is that , having handed down his basic dictate — that both women and men look their best in unstructured tailoring applied to traditional menswear fabrics — he has succeeded in turning himself into the Great Listener .
29 General Holomisa recently dealt himself into South Africa 's reform game by moving towards a loose alliance with the outlawed African National congress and by announcing plans for a referendum on the ‘ independent ’ homeland 's possible reincorporation into South Africa .
30 He kept up an unrelenting gentle moral pressure on his authors or collaborators , and as a commentator , like Tolkien he selflessly put much of himself into the work of others .
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