Example sentences of "himself [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Bono can hardly contain himself Neither can I.
2 One psychiatrist told the court that after teartment Gore would have to prove himself normal for years before anyone would recommend his release .
3 Taylor 's slip catching had suddenly become a worry , though he recovered his poise with a good take late in the match , no longer rigid as he threw himself low to his right .
4 The welfare of deaf people was thus becoming a grave concern to many people , and this led in 1911 to an important milestone being reached through the efforts of a wealthy merchant banker , a Mr. Leo Bonn , who was himself deaf .
5 He is a different sort of great sinner , or essay upon the great-sinner theme , which is why I stress the aspect of return to the Vicious and tragic antihero who ca n't even call himself lazy .
6 He 'd changed his legs three strides off the fence to put himself right and always goes left at his fences .
7 A drink was pressed into his hand , a chair held back and he found himself seated opposite Cornelius by the window , for all the world like some sixth-former seeking advice on whether to go for Oxbridge or the Guards .
8 An eminent psychologist has remarked that a man in a mood is almost as if in the grip of a small psychosis , and can find himself helpless in the face of it , unless he has trained himself not to identify with it too strongly .
9 And though it was not his way to wait passively for things to come to him , in this he found himself helpless , unable to act .
10 He washed and towelled himself dry .
11 He pulled himself up , towelled himself dry , then slipped into his dressing gown .
12 Female slaves mopped at them with cloths of unbleached fabric , and Alexei took one out of a pair of slim hands and towelled himself dry .
13 ‘ Oh God , ’ he groaned aloud , then rubbed himself dry .
14 When he had left , he had loved them desperately , and had hidden in the stifling furnace of his cabin for days , weeping himself dry .
15 Depressive symptoms are interpreted as abnormal ‘ care-eliciting behaviour ’ — behaviour intended to bring important others closer when a person perceives himself deficient in the receipt of care .
16 Ibrahim Ahmed Halidi , President of the Supreme Court , attempted , with the support of the Court , to seize power from President Said Mohammed Djohar on Aug. 3 , proclaiming himself interim president .
17 It was Marriott who suggested that Stirling should make himself scarce for a while and recommended him to Brigadier Denys Reid .
18 The Magistrate , mortified , had made himself scarce .
19 Last night , after her parents had gone up to bed , and Aubrey very tactfully made himself scarce , I had a chance to ask her .
20 Jules had tactfully made himself scarce on the pretext of work to be done at the new salon and now , two days after his visit to Maythorpe House , Harry was at last able to unburden himself .
21 ‘ Get the good word to him if you so please , ’ he said amiably , ‘ and let him make himself scarce .
22 When he saw Mrs Goreng disembarking from her jeep , he at once made himself scarce , retiring through the back of the shop to his living-quarters and instructing me to deal with this dissatisfied , difficult , and , in all likelihood , dangerous customer .
23 Thankfully , Doctor Agrippa had made himself scarce , realising that d'Aubigny 's invitation did not extend to him .
24 Addressing the court before sentencing , and speaking in that confiding style whose quality of extreme directness made ordinary statements seem extraordinary , Gandhi took upon himself complete responsibility for ‘ the diabolical crimes of Chauri Chaura ’ and other disturbances which had broken out in recent weeks .
25 Benjamin was clearly an ambitious and careful man , neither dissolute nor spendthrift , and was probably very conservative in every way ; he had made himself respectable in Victorian terms , generating enough of a cash surplus by a lifetime of hard work and good fortune to build up that stock of 3 per cent Bank Annuities and accumulate a healthy balance with the London Provident Savings Bank .
26 On 8 August Franco signed a law vesting in himself total power over the administration of the state .
27 One young man , unable to tolerate the thought , burned himself alive in a public square .
28 Depression audiences were given a hero who first fights in the World War and then finds it difficult to settle back into a factory job ; this innocent man is then twice sentenced to a chain-gang , the second arrest coming after a period during which he had succeeded as a respectable businessman ; the film ends with him still on the run and having now to depend on crime to keep himself alive .
29 In utter darkness , breathing rank air and deafened by the breakers outside , he kept himself alive by groping around for newly hatched swiftlet nestlings and the grubs which thrive in the dung on the cave floor .
30 The tape showed Anderson sitting , struggling to keep himself alive and to communicate with the outside world , but the world was n't going to see it .
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