Example sentences of "mean [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I mean on there , how far have you got ?
2 I mean down , when we 've done down here we 've pu god been putting mats down and lord knows what
3 It 's twenty one miles from Northampton , they never cla I mean down here people think Northampton is in the north .
4 Even more dangerous is it when we insist that a man of two thousand years ago meant what we mean in so contentiously abstract a sphere as religious faith .
5 I mean in , in he did n't leave it all over the yard and all that you know .
6 I think , I think that in any , I mean in , in , in , if you wan na , if you wan na look at it in terms I mean I think labour it it 's always gon na have to be there and I think the biological constraints put the you know , sharpened device
7 So far as the B T U Tax is concerned , erm it 's really a political issue as to where the administration or the Congress in the end decide to place the tax , I mean in very simple terms the nearer you place it to the consumer , the more effective it is , but the less politically palatable it is which because consumers vote and oil companies do n't an and so er I think it will be political pressure to push it nearer to the well head which will be less good for the oil and gas producers .
8 well these , these are , there , I mean in , they , they 'll are
9 Yeah well I mean in
10 No well I mean in
11 I mean in so I I come here today with a petition that I presented that also talks about proposing to abolish the merger , I mean this is a move just one step away from that but I still feel in what was proposed at the last full council meeting and I would express my views to the officers that in light of what has been suggested today is actually implemented to the wording as it stands because the joint working party that had been er written up previously never did meet although if I can inform it was only the officers who actually met up and I hope that in light of all the working group and the two heads of centres covering for each other would be implicitly applied .
12 I mean in says in twenty-eight that , that the quality co-ordinator 's responsible for maintaining for example , master lists of procedures , so .
13 And I mean over the years you can sort of pick a sample out and say ‘ It 's pretty close , this one ’ ; or , y'know , ‘ Do something about it ’ , there and then , if you think there is anything that can be done .
14 erm I mean up , are we prepared to go up to five thousand ?
15 There was twenty week club you see and I do n't know , I mean up until recently I was in the credit when we used to have credit .
16 Oh you oh you mean up on the board or
17 the Russian have fucking one of the most powerful forces , I mean up until the Stalingrad in Moscow , the , the battle of Stalingrad they did n't know if they at all .
18 but I mean up until Stalingrad that was it , the , the Russian army was nothing , right , but as soon as Stalingrad came in every day
19 I mean back in the early nineteen eighties when we sold our first er system abroad we were quite surprised to find out that the French did n't have a road called Edgeware Road and an organization called B A C S on it .
20 Pit heaps and mean back to backs are as much his ‘ monument ’ as the wondrous , bloated showcase he erected at Barnard Castle .
21 I mean back here .
22 And erm magneto broke on it and these , I mean back shockers are a bit weak on this and that , but Sharon had it and said oh it 's not big enough !
23 So in that sense , we are not a volume car producer and er the company historically , I mean back through the seventies and sixties was a not very successful volume producer .
24 Does out of sight mean out of mind ?
25 Just I mean out of interest the reason why I did n't take Sheffield
26 Presumably they mean out of this lot .
27 That is not in doubt , because no one can actually imagine that ‘ we ’ are not going to ‘ win ’ , though nobody ever analyses exactly what ‘ winning ’ would in fact mean out there in the real world of the Middle East , beyond the political and economic leverage it will give the United States .
28 Erm , well , I assume you mean out of recent Leeds United players ( you ca n't seriously be comparing him with the real greats of football can you ? ) . he could certainly hit it , and sometimes goal-bound ( and quite often into the wall or behind for a goal kick ) .
29 you mean out of these ?
30 Oh you mean out front here ?
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