Example sentences of "get [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Get them to think of their own best refuge .
2 Our lawyers and judges will never turn off this mad process which , for them , is a fountain of dollars and a source of power : it is up to the Press to publicise civilised European libel procedures and insist that we get them too .
3 You get them round that way , and eventually you ask them about themselves , and you get round to it .
4 Ended up we had to get her and the kids out of the house and get them somewhere to stay the night .
5 The manager has to organize their companies , hire them an accountant and a lawyer ( if they have n't already done that ) , get them VAT registered , and do a lot of simple administration like applying for passports .
6 ‘ You get them all standin ’ in a mob , all talkin ’ that chapati language an ’ all that , an ’ you never know whether they 're talkin ’ about you .
7 We wanted to break the dreadful sex magazine mafia , allow people to buy what they wanted and maybe get them to understand the plumbing of sex .
8 Les Conn : ‘ Well , of course , the people were n't prepared for that kind of entertainment and they all put their hands over their ears , and Bloom started screaming , ‘ Get them off , they 're ruining my wedding party ’ .
9 Make sure the vehicle is under cover so if there is anything on it , prints , whatever , that haven ‘ t already gone , we get them .
10 He told Gloria , ‘ The sooner we get them out the better .
11 Get them to take part in all the community topics , but — and it 's a big but — their opinions must be genuine .
12 Euphemia , get them skinny little legs out of bed !
13 Although they like polling elections as a publicity gimmick — if they get them right — they do not like elections technically .
14 When the sales were on , ‘ he 'd put his hand in his pocket and gave my mother sovereigns — ‘ Go and get them all something . ’
15 ‘ You can live quite cheaply in Miami , so once you 're out there on one job , you can contact other UK clients and get them to send the gear over and keep you busy for a few weeks .
16 He did not attempt the removal of the pyjama jacket , but suddenly stood up and began to pull the red trousers down and get them off ; and it seemed that Patrick , shifting very slightly , assisted the operation , his eyes now moving in awareness of what Marcus was doing .
17 This means you get them at no cost at all .
18 ‘ We both love diaries , so we get them out and discuss what we 'll be doing in February .
19 Get someone to read it to you once only , then get them to ask you the questions which follow .
20 You fly to Europe , put the boot in to our top people , get them looking , then fly back here .
21 It occurs to me we 're just about to circulate the picture of that man , Stein , suspected of wholesale fraud — so maybe we get them mixed up , Kurt . ’
22 As soon as she could , she resumed the normal pattern of her life , getting up at 7.30 a.m. to prepare breakfast for the older children and get them ready for school .
23 The only exotic mysterious dance this glen will witness is one where walkers run wildly about in circles waving their arms in alarm , screaming , ‘ Get them off me ! ’
24 ‘ You get them while I make the tea , ’ said Mrs Tilling briskly .
25 Tenderness is that hideous , cooing voice you hear mothers using to their children as they get them to do this , go there , stay here .
26 ‘ I used to ring places up and try and get them gigs .
27 ‘ The idea is , if you get them all swimming — without Mr Foggerty and me , that is … if you take the job on , and take them to the baths several times a week — if you teach them to swim , we 'll give you a motor-bike . ’
28 Write these down and get them properly agreed with your boss .
29 You can use the Monthly Repayment Table ( in our Mortgage Guide ) and the Personal Budget Planner to keep track of events , so get them ready now .
30 Get them out golfing and they 'll forget all their troubles ’ was his maxim .
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