Example sentences of "perhaps for " in BNC.

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1 But it 's possible to go way beyond these limited , obvious exercises , and impro can be immensely exciting for young actors , allowing them to grasp situations and emotions imaginatively , perhaps for the first time .
2 At 29 , the head Raider does not appear to accept that his best years are behind him , bad news perhaps for Jonathan Davies , for whom the press conference provided a first glimpse of a man whose reputation travels before him .
3 A score of 40 — 55 would include high risk countries , but with some possibility perhaps for profits that are reasonable in view of the high investment risk that would be involved .
4 In the Home Office , he had demonstrated broadly conservative views on crime , drugs , and racial issues , not surprisingly so perhaps for one who served as parliamentary spokesman for the Police Federation .
5 The sense of common purpose and common direction that governed the war years had been lost , perhaps for ever .
6 At last the ‘ special relationship ’ seemed to have some meaning , perhaps for the first time since the days of Macmillan .
7 It was also a problem which enabled Labour 's new young leader , Neil Kinnock , to make his mark , perhaps for the first time since his election in October 1983 .
8 The Dale , perhaps for the only time in its short life , was full .
9 At the same time , though , there are more people who can , perhaps for the first time since 1967 , imagine that the Jews could go west , back into the green line , or into new borders adjusted to rid themselves of their Palestinian burden .
10 At the same time , though , there are more people who can , perhaps for the first time since 1967 , imagine that the Jews could go west , back into the green line , or into new borders adjusted to rid themselves of their Palestinian burden .
11 Perhaps for this reason , traditional fishermen generally try to release alive any captured dolphins , but if they are inside the net when it is closed , they may become entangled or trapped and drown .
12 To make amends perhaps for the past he had turned tee-totaller and finally Salvationist .
13 Provision needed to be made for dowager widows , and for younger sons and for daughters , and perhaps for other persons .
14 Perhaps for many of the fans the best moment of all came at the end of the fifth Test , when Tony Greig went out and ‘ grovelled ’ before them .
15 It is perhaps for that reason that the pensions industry had been able to get away with such arrangements for so long .
16 A survey of niello composition , from the Roman period to the twentieth century , has identified the beginnings of a change in composition in the sixth century in Northern Europe when , perhaps for economic reasons , copper as well as silver was added to the crucible with the sulphur .
17 Perhaps for this reason Britain experienced little in the way of a fascist movement in the 1920s ; only a few small and insignificant fascist groups , hostile to the Bolsheviks or the Jews , emerged at that time .
18 Most compiled , and the young actress took several photos — perhaps for her memoirs later
19 ‘ A world-wide conspiracy embracing a third of the world 's population ’ he pronounced the enemy to be , and added that it threatened ‘ the erasure of freedom , perhaps for ever , from the parchment of time ’ … a windy piece of rhetoric typical of the times if not of J. Edgar , whose taste ran to Tarzan movies where the dialogue is less verbose .
20 If I were to die , she thought , there is nobody to find me , perhaps for days and weeks , for we do not have visitors , and my mother would die too , of fright or starvation or a broken limb , after her voice gave out in screaming , and she tried to struggle from the bed .
21 He wanted to bask in the developing closeness he and Jordan were enjoying , surfing sensorial highs , and being utterly open , perhaps for the first time in his life .
22 But such a name never appeared , perhaps for the reason the New Yorker itself suggested : you can not fix labels on a world of shadows .
23 Perhaps for Bartram the greatest satisfaction came from his correspondence with leading botanists and horticulturists in Europe and his valuable exchange with Philip Miller has yet to be considered ( see pp. 81–89 ) .
24 Perhaps for this reason Judaism and Islam , particularly when they refer to the creative power of the god whom they follow , suggest that their deity is in fact the only god who exists and not simply the only god who is to be worshipped :
25 Given the great variation that exists in wealth , social organisation and culture in Latin America , it is not easy to find a simple , but also heuristic schema for class analysis , and perhaps for that reason the exercise has not been attempted very often .
26 This image is almost entirely man-made , save perhaps for the palm-tree , yet it still evokes a sense of paradise .
27 Listening to Alison she did , perhaps for a second only , see it as conceivable .
28 Though there is no real reason not to talk of ‘ the new novel ’ , the term nouveau roman has always been retained , perhaps for a certain alluring foreign frisson .
29 What with Mrs Clements and the girls also gone for the week , I suppose I was very conscious of the fact that once I departed , Darlington Hall would stand empty for probably the first time this century — perhaps for the first time since the day it was built .
30 They do n't want to risk a break-up — perhaps for the sake of the children , or because it suits them to be married for other reasons .
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