Example sentences of "perhaps an " in BNC.

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1 In truth , the camera is a ruthless editor of visual information ; this can be made plain by looking at a picture , say of the eighteenth century , and comparing it with a contemporary print , perhaps an aquatint , and a modern photograph .
2 To read about her here is like being shown someone 's snaps or scrapbook — perhaps an underrated pleasure .
3 Most classes last for an hour or perhaps an hour and a half .
4 Perhaps an important counter to the archbishop of Dublin 's interventions was the well-known lay liberal catholic and Head of Information at RTE , Louis McRedmond .
5 It was perhaps an hour later that the island 's police chief left them with a clicking heels bow .
6 Quite often the divisional boundaries in the amalgamated force mirror the old , small force boundaries and men define themselves in relation to their early experience with perhaps an inner city ethic , a large-town police style , or in the framework of a more rural situation .
7 ( One of his father 's particular delights was found in the Reader 's Digest , perhaps an indication of his limited energies . )
8 The relationship of dancers to each other usually leads to a climax of some kind , possibly a confrontation or conflict , perhaps an exciting pas de deux or a feat of virtuosity .
9 If this is so , then it seems that for ‘ the art one serves ’ one might as well read : the culture one serves , the historical period one serves , even the society one serves ( perhaps an international society ) .
10 The government , in effect , was guaranteed perhaps an extra two years in power .
11 But what bothers the company 's bosses is that the tip-offs contained enough circumstantial detail to indicate the source was a fairly high-ranking employee , perhaps an indication that disaffection with Mr Reuter 's strategy is spreading .
12 Perhaps an impenetrable divide between such areas is n't a bad idea after all . ’
13 The system ensures that those who might seem most deserving receive perhaps an Order of the British Empire ( OBE ) — or a British Empire Medal ( BEM ) for those ‘ who do not qualify by rank for the higher awards ’ — while a bureaucrat who has successfully worked his way to the top of the civil service without putting a foot wrong will get a knighthood in the Order of the Bath .
14 Not surprisingly this can lead to a great deal of guilt and remorse at the thought of things left unsaid , or perhaps an argument that had taken place just before the person left the house , never to return .
15 All this was perhaps an inevitable reaction by a new generation to the old creed of individualism and laissez faire which G. W. E. Russell , a Liberal MP and High Churchman , denounced in a Manchester Guardian article at the turn of the century as ‘ this intellectual but unmoral theory ’ .
16 Most of these mutations will be harmful , and perhaps an occasional one will be favourable , but some fraction f are ‘ neutral ’ .
17 Perhaps an organism as complex as a man could never be wholly impervious to the ravages of time .
18 But the Bill provides room for manoeuvring — and perhaps an indefinite delay — by allowing the government to choose an ‘ appropriate time to proceed based on the state 's financial abilities ’ .
19 Voyager is perhaps an unfortunate title for a film that all too often fills the screen with beautifully crafted pictures from glossy holiday brochures .
20 The result was that his serious physical illness was assumed to be a form of ‘ school phobia ’ and his parents were threatened with a court order if he did not return to school Access to the file , including the head 's letter , would have enabled correction of the factual errors at least and perhaps an accurate diagnosis of his illness to be made .
21 It is worth noting , however , that consent to a political authority entails a promise to obey it ( as well as perhaps an obligation to support it in other ways ) .
22 ‘ Or perhaps an antique original .
23 He said his was perhaps an ‘ old-fashioned ’ view — that he did not want to see the entire world addicted to drugs , like the synthetic existence described in Brave New World — but it was an enormous leap , he thought , from ‘ smoking a little grass to that grim picture ’ .
24 Subjects given appropriate pre-training would be able to bridge the interval by rehearsing some version of the information ‘ jack is to be chosen ’ , perhaps an easier task than retaining information about some direct representation of the visual cue itself .
25 Perhaps an agricultural supplier was giving them away free with every 200 gallons of sheep dip .
26 He was at least as tall as me , perhaps an inch taller .
27 My senses returned to me in perhaps an hour , when I beheld the roof burning .
28 Select a plain food which you know you enjoy — perhaps an apple , a piece of cheese or a slice of bread .
29 If we are physically ill , is there perhaps an emotional cause for the illness ?
30 If I started again I would like to have … ( 1 ) a ghost writer , not for my speeches but for my letters and statements : he would be the kind of person who could take the Ministry 's policy and translate it into the kind of words I would use ; ( 2 ) perhaps an economist ; and ( 3 ) a general investigator whose job it would be to brief me so that I could participate intelligently at Cabinet Committees and in Cabinet on subjects outside my own Department .
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