Example sentences of "perhaps [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yet never has artistic creation itself whether painting , the cinema or literature ( to my mind , architecture and perhaps photography are exceptions ) been so impoverished , so derisory , so played out .
2 Much will depend on where they were trained and whether they are skilled in other therapies and techniques such as reflexology ( pressure point massage of the feet ) , Touch For Health ( muscle testing , a diagnostic technique ) , medical herbalism , spiritual healing or perhaps nutrition .
3 Dad had a soft spot for Auntie Nellie and perhaps Mum had something to be jealous about .
4 If the child does not know or is too shy to talk a suggestion that ‘ Perhaps mum or dad can remind you ? ’ and encouraging the parents to talk is one way around the problem .
5 There was some problem that one of them went back and talked to , presumably dad , perhaps mum though , erm and came back with a lovely engineered solution , but that did n't matter — they had fun doing it and they had fun trying these things and , believe me , the answer were ever so close to what the design I was amazed with what they produced .
6 If some deep need emerges , as if often will , then offer sympathy and perhaps prayer : do n't immediately change the subject !
7 Perhaps prayer might be the answer , ’ said Grace .
8 The grave was Kirov 's first contact point ; a seed from which casual conversation and perhaps sympathy might be persuaded to grow .
9 Perhaps money could be offered to any man or woman who volunteers to be sterilised ?
10 Perhaps money has become too much of a god — to the exclusion of good common sense , and leading to an abdication of responsibility .
11 Erm perhaps money could be spent on on face-lifting the areas , because a lot of the structures the s themselves seem very stable and sound .
12 There are rather more women , I think , that go into chemistry on the whole , are n't there , than perhaps physics , and certainly engineering .
13 Okay well we 're in a really bad situation , I mean we can achieve something at least and perhaps oh perhaps communism does n't work after all , they just seem to be doubting their own beliefs and what they 've read .
14 ( Perhaps honesty , integrity , courage , trust , gratitude , humour , creativity , wisdom or love . )
15 She decided that perhaps honesty was going to be the best policy after all .
16 Perhaps Islam had developed differently in Wimbledon than in other parts of the world .
17 If your target audience includes a substantial proportion of light viewers , but your campaign is on TV , you may need to supplement TV with suitable press or perhaps cinema advertising to reach this group .
18 The professionalized academic critic wanted to forget that there had been a time when criticism was part of literature ; and the belief that criticism or theory could be literature in themselves was perhaps part of the process of exorcizing other values and attitudes .
19 Perhaps part of the reason why some representations come to be considered as true is because we are habitualised into misrecognising the fragment as the entirety .
20 Perhaps part of the redshift in quasars and unusual galaxies is not , after all , due to the expanding Universe .
21 Perhaps part of the fascination of movies has always been that they trigger off so many memories but what is interesting about so much film-making in the 1920s is that movies are so closely associated with that age of the masses that had come at the end of one century and the beginning of another .
22 Perhaps part of the problem is that far too much has been expected of positivist criminology or , alternatively , positivist criminologists have been responsible for fostering too grandiose expectations .
23 The change from an elected Council at Athens to one appointed by lot was perhaps part of the ‘ Ephialtic ’ set of reforms ( pp. 35ff . ) .
24 It is part of his nature and perhaps part of a deeply endearing determination to buck people up .
25 It was perhaps part of his general attempt to calm her fears , but it is a potent indication that there was an underlying fear and she was not properly informed that no alternative was available .
26 Perhaps part of the reason for the upsurge in portraiture is due to the fact that there are so many talented young women painting now .
27 Erm , it , perhaps part of it has been that a lot of the job creation mentioned has actually been of female and part-time work , and a lot of the er , new businesses in erm , Telford actually employ a lot of women in , in those areas .
28 Perhaps part of the answer lies in the fact that much of the new technology which had been developed before and during the war had already been incorporated into the capital stock .
29 Forty years later , when viruses were better known and several people had attributed viral origins to some tumours and perhaps leukaemia , the paper was rediscovered .
30 My father is a doctor of chemistry , or perhaps biochemistry — I 'm not sure .
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