Example sentences of "much else " in BNC.

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1 The poem is dark , dense and learned — Yeatsian , and maybe also Yatesian , in inspiration , amid much else .
2 In the same way I was unable to do much else but grin and bear it when my then assistant chief constable ( crime ) , Ken Oxford ( later to be the chief constable of Merseyside ) implicitly restated police concepts of correct bodily order , when he jokingly told a group of visiting journalists who had come to do a story on this wayward group of detectives , ‘ we pay him a plain clothes allowance you know ’ .
3 This hortatory and vaguely uplifting conclusion is out of key with the body of Megill 's book , which is distinguished by the penetrating quality of its readings , and which , among much else , offers a very persuasive presentation of Derrida as joker .
4 The academic institutionalizing of literary study inevitably leads to the establishing of canons ( made necessary , among much else , by the logistic requirements of reading lists and bookshop orders ) , and where there are canons evaluation is , in the context of pedagogy , either impossible or unrewardingly difficult , since canonization implies merit .
5 Like so much else in these cantos , the last line is midleading , since it suggests it was by an edict of Henry III that the Magna Charta was sent to all cathedrals and read four times a year , whereas Coke 's Institutes make it clear that this was on the contrary an enactment of Edward I. ‘ Selinunte ’ and ‘ Akragas ’ ( the old name of Agrigento ) are ancient Greek cities in Sicily .
6 Of ‘ Ash-Wednesday ’ Tate said , among much else that was penetrating :
7 Even this demanding job left energy for much else , and at this time he began to organise art exhibitions , building on his own strong interest in the visual arts which had been fired by visits to Florence and Venice and by the mammoth Van Gogh show in the 1950s , and which led early to his abiding love of the Italian Renaissance giants and of such British artists as Prunella Clough , Keith Vaughan and RobertMedley .
8 Always committed to God , the sacrament and prayer , he became agnostic about much else .
9 There 's not much else you can do , like , if a law 's not being broken you ca n't do anything .
10 He also read much else , for example a lot of Newman 's sermons .
11 Peters would have had much else to tell Eliot .
12 Some children from Hindu families even attended Sunday school , mainly because there was nothing much else to do at weekends .
13 As with much else in Lewis 's life , it seems as though there was a Providence in its journey , for it landed on the desk of a man celled Charles Williams .
14 Although inflation is already sharply down ( possibly to as low as 4% this month ) , so is much else .
15 There was n't much else about his short life .
16 She was beautiful as well , and he remembered that Clarissa 's warning that she was both clever and dangerous , had drawn from him the rather feeble reply that when they were pretty he never noticed much else .
17 Some commentators get so excited about identifying the stuff with an excretion of insects living on twigs of the tamarisk , that they do not have time for much else .
18 Assuming that Same can cure these quality-control ills , then there 's not much else left to be negative about on this most modern of 1990s tractors .
19 Like so much else in music , this is a process that involves the passage of a lot of Lime : learning a work on the page and then on the orchestra ?
20 In the minority of Mary , this — like so much else — was to change dramatically .
21 The great French historian , Fernand Braudel , in his massive Civilisation and Capitalism traces , among much else , the gradual shift northwards and westwards of European banking from its beginnings in central Italy in the thirteenth century .
22 Fru Møller , seated in the front row , was too busy being pleased at this opportunity to provide her guests with free , unexpected entertainment to think of much else .
23 The bomb , which has been safely disposed of , is not on display , but there is much else to admire in the way of embroidery , china , glass , silver and costume .
24 Mr Budgen was generous in his admiration for Mr Powell — ‘ You are the great don of parliamentary debate ’ — but not in much else .
25 All the same , the gap year is a crazy British system , which sets you free to travel when you have so much else to learn , and then leaves you pinned to your desk for ever after .
26 But from the moment that the electorate realised it was to be stripped of its Deutschemark , a symbol of nationhood , Germans began to wonder how much else had been given away .
27 Like so much else in Lebanon , it was physically possible but we never met anyone who had actually achieved this .
28 ‘ Do n't know much else about him — only got the message this afternoon . ’
29 He would have to show all this new treasure-trove to Blackadder , who would be both elated and grumpy , who would anyway be pleased that it was locked away in Safe 5 and not spirited away to Robert Dale Owen University in Harmony City , with so much else .
30 The land was n't fit for much else , sandy , full of gorse .
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