Example sentences of "might prove " in BNC.

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1 At the same time , the reader can be made to feel that , on closer inspection , the country 's politics might prove to be antics too .
2 Colleagues stopped talking to me , afraid no doubt that being on the wrong side of the new Director might prove contagious .
3 We have already received two ideas , which might prove useful in the workshop .
4 Age Concern expressed reservations in its response to the Griffiths Review of Community Care that contracts for certain services might prove unprofitable to private sector providers after a few years , by which time District Health Authorities would have divested themselves of the resources to provide similar services .
5 They cited the Joint Declaration 's promise of ‘ a legislature constituted by elections ’ , and warned that without democracy , the autocratic machinery of colonial government might prove far less benign in China 's hands .
6 In Oslo yesterday , diplomats warned that the Nobel committee had a reputation for security and the leaked forecasts might prove wide of the mark .
7 Last week , she outraged her Commission colleagues by suggesting that the government 's paper , which has unanimous backing , might prove irresistible .
8 Eliot , who was interested in mana and orenda , worried that Durkheim 's theory of totemism in terms of religious force might prove only ‘ an admission of the inexplicable ’ .
9 But Peter Walker and Jim Prior , also well-known doubters , were retained ( Prior until September 1984 ) , no doubt for fear that they might prove troublesome on the back bench .
10 Nor is it sensible to argue , as the Treasury has , that a European system of central banks in charge of a single currency might prove more inflationary than a fixed exchange rate system where each monetary authority competed to provide a stable benchmark of value .
11 If the system 's charter allowed for a bank governor to be shot at dawn for every month the inflation rate exceeded 1 per cent , it might prove even more counter-inflationary than the Bundesbank .
12 Jimmy said he really enjoyed playing , but his slight worry about it was that at £13.99 it might prove expensive for the unemployed .
13 Some pundits were , rather foolishly , speculating that he might prove to be better than all of them .
14 But its reluctant , even remote , tone is that of bureaucrats anxious to distance themselves from what might prove to be no more than fashionable scientific nonsense .
15 The Board of Admiralty had been well aware since 1955 that the US Navy 's Polaris-armed submarines might become the capital ships of the future , and might prove to be more invulnerable as mobile launch platforms for the nuclear deterrent than the US Air Force 's Skybolt , if it too was successfully developed .
16 Weary with the struggle to be understood , and fearful , like Solzhenitsyn after him , that to collect his prize in Stockholm might prove to be a one-way journey , Pasternak declined his honour , writing to Khrushchev that , for him , exile would mean death .
17 It is difficult for you to foresee at the beginning of your programme just how you will feel , what things will happen , which goals might prove harder than anticipated .
18 He sat , shaking , before his a.i. for a few minutes , realising that , whatever he 'd thought before , the following procedures might prove even more risky than the persona transfer itself .
19 Initially , it seemed that Sale might prove victorious .
20 Profits could reach £10m this year — implying a multiple of almost 30 at 93p — and even that might prove over-optimistic under a Labour government .
21 Combermere is the 8-1 favourite with Ladbrokes for the Scottish National at Ayr on Saturday , but with expected soft ground , Martin Pipe 's Riverside Boy ( 10-1 ) might prove the value .
22 Now it hopes that the rest of Europe might prove a similarly fertile source of work .
23 We were , however , not encouraged to fraternise , as our Establishment considered that the Yanks , being naïvely and pressingly inquisitive , and perhaps not possessing an inherited sense of the paramount importance of secrecy in wartime , might prove a security risk .
24 This attitude , especially in ‘ Sophia 's ’ case , may owe something to class-distinction , that is , a duke beating a duchess with a neck of mutton might prove less illustrative than a journeyman tailor doing such a thing to his wife .
25 I suppose I must have been intending to explain to Mr Farraday how I would thus be able to explore an option which might prove the ideal solution to our present small problems here in this house .
26 Against such a background he perceives , in terms echoed a year later by Michael Young , that the eleven-plus is ‘ likely to cause the working-classes now to lose many of the critical tentacles which they would have retained years ago and that a new caste system might prove to be at least as rigid as the old ’ .
27 He was our biggest danger in the end , although I thought it was going to be Tom 's four-ball partner Bert Yancey who might prove the biggest threat .
28 He might prove to be useful but would have to be handled carefully .
29 He had n't the vicious streak that showed in his brother , and might prove a very good team-member .
30 For very heavy sailors , however , these might prove to be the most suitable straps as putting the weight further back might sink the tail of the board .
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