Example sentences of "might seem " in BNC.

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1 And there are also orphan countries there — poor places , backwaters , as it might seem , at opposite ends of the earth .
2 She is entrusted , on one occasion , with what might seem a rudimentary version of one of his own opinions .
3 There are times when it might seem that this is a definition which can produce the sense of a self which is both amorphous and autonomous , of a doubtful self which also serves to cast doubt on the human world that lies beyond the subjective individual — a world which some writers are , and some are not , very cunning in , and which is inhabited by people with a working knowledge of who they are and what they are doing .
4 It might seem that it would , because it might seem very natural to think that one red thing or image might be taken as standing for red things in general because of its natural resemblance to the other members of the class , this constituting the most fundamental sort of association .
5 It might seem that it would , because it might seem very natural to think that one red thing or image might be taken as standing for red things in general because of its natural resemblance to the other members of the class , this constituting the most fundamental sort of association .
6 There is one well-known materialist account of different modes of knowledge that might seem to be useful here in preserving the ‘ mode of knowledge ’ approach against the need for the more drastic behaviouristic alternative .
7 But even If the movements made by the three puppets inside their rooms might seem like dance to some — those who perform them must be actors who can dance . ’
8 This might seem to be moving away from Golyadkin , but in point of tone The Double and The Possessed draw closest to one another , and to Don Quixote , in the ludicrous materialities of preparation , and in their juxtaposing of very particular odds and ends with an airy universality which in lesser hands would be emptiness .
9 The drift of my rhetoric might seem to be taking me towards a traditional defence of literature , of the imagination , of creativity , of humane values in general .
10 Mr Prescott 's rough-edged style conveys a sense of honest indignation , where soothing strokes of eloquence might seem insincere .
11 Grim as events might seem , Britain could not contemplate a ‘ massive new immigration commitment ’ which could ‘ more than double the ethnic minority population of the United Kingdom ’ .
12 On first sight it might seem a case of plus ca change , plus c'est la meme chose .
13 This might seem naive but it is all too possible .
14 Yet , looking back today , it might seem that the reaction to that birth control speech was a little over-heated .
15 This might seem curious , but Ford of Europe only allows dealers to have a maximum of eight franchises and Evans was at its limit .
16 What is embarrassing to respondents in one country might seem normal and ‘ acceptable ’ to respondents in another , and so there should be some ‘ local knowledge ’ input into questionnaire design .
17 While this might seem rash or unreal to some , it is in fact already an accepted idea , supported by such prophetic figures as John Muir , Fraser Darling and Percy Unna .
18 The reproof of Beatrice is not , I conceive , as remote as it might seem from our own world .
19 It might seem that so artificial a superiority was certain to prove as transient as the hegemonies that it had replaced , although those in whose hands power lay were for the most part undaunted by the new challenges to Britain 's position that they sensed …
20 This example might seem unrealistically pessimistic , as a new band may feel confident of being able to record and release their album in just a few months , with money from sales and royalties quickly starting to now in .
21 It might seem that the primeval Fall underlies this poem 's events as surely as Venice underlies its epigraph , standing as the reality which underlies various writers ' interpretations .
22 The park , unlikely though it might seem , was not a job , not a political ideology , not a way of filling in the weary hours until she was old enough to retire , not even something to spite her mother with once and for all while she accepted everything else from her .
23 Coming home so early might seem to be confronting Moran .
24 Overall most anthropologists would probably see indirect connection between all the factors which Engels considered , but these interrelations must remain much more problematic and ambiguous than they might seem at first , and the general conclusions which Engels sought in the work of Morgan are not possible .
25 The Corrado in 16-valve , £16,991 form might seem its obvious rival , but to match performances more closely the G60 Corrado , armed with 160 force-fed horses , is the closer rival .
26 Year after year we came home convinced that ‘ all-German ’ emotions , though officially discouraged on one side and dormant on the other , were far from dead , and that the post-war arrangements in central Europe were therefore a lot less permanent than they might seem .
27 This might seem more than enough for one life , but in the Ravensbruck concentration camp to which she was now sent she met the woman with whom she formed the other crucial relationship of her life , with Milena Jesenska , whose own life experience drew Margarete intensely , if vicariously , into another of the crucial Central European milieux of that period — the Prager Kreis of Willy Haas , Max Brod and Kafka , whose lover , and early translator , Milena was .
28 Looked at from the West , Franois Mitterrand or perhaps Karl-Otto Pohl , president of the Bundesbank , might seem more appropriate technocratic candidates .
29 A leading Israeli journalist was soon to ascribe that misjudgment to the ‘ historic blindness ’ that has always bedevilled Israeli governments and public , ensuring that developments which , to outsiders , might seem all but pre-ordained come as a very disagreeable shock to them .
30 I 'd Rather Be Famous , by Pete Johnson ( Methuen , £4.95 ) might seem like candy-floss in comparison but this book is sardonic in its view of romance and the dreams of telly fame that follow an appearance in a Blind Date type of show .
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