Example sentences of "over foreign " in BNC.

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1 Since 1961 ( to be precise , since Selwyn Lloyd 's ‘ pay pause ’ that summer ) British people had given sustaining the economy the priority over foreign affairs among their concerns .
2 The most important , Smith believes , was her success against South Korea 's Hwang Hye-Young in the Wimbledon Open final in October and she has now improved her speed and self-confidence enough to seek regular victories over foreign opponents abroad .
3 With a change in the rules over foreign ownership of domestic airlines now likely ( see main story ) , there may soon be more bidders .
4 The ‘ absence ’ of international issues is , however , in many ways an illusion : one can say that if formal controversy over foreign policy was markedly absent from the campaign , international factors played a major role in shaping it , and , even more so , to affect the future course of British politics , whatever the incumbent government does .
5 Another area in which the government introduced controls was over foreign payments .
6 However , West Germany would levy a price for its involvement : the agreement of the Western Allies formally to end their occupation and to give full sovereignty , including control over foreign policy , to the West German state .
7 As a monopoly , the Soviet Union often has considerable leverage over foreign sellers .
8 Home news was preferred over foreign , new a about things familiar to the reader over the unfamiliar .
9 The court held that the Convention did not ‘ supplant the application of the discovery provisions of the Federal Rules over foreign , Hague Convention State nationals , subject to in personam jurisdiction in a United States court ’ , and adopted most of the arguments deployed by earlier courts which had taken this view .
10 Kennedy lacked experience in handling Congress ; he also feared that a clash with Congress on domestic issues might bring problems over foreign affairs too , an area which he always regarded as much more important .
11 More fundamentally , the humiliation of the defeat by Japan in 1905 , exacerbated from 1908 by a series of diplomatic reversals in the Balkans , built up a widespread sense of frustration over foreign affairs .
12 The Labour Party was deeply divided — principally over foreign policy and rearmament , issues on which the Bevanite left was fighting a losing battle against the alignment of Britain with the USA , without mass popular support — and was unable to present its supporters with a convincing programme .
13 The key insights were provided by Krugman ( 1984 ) : protection of a market enables domestic producers to realize economies of scale or learning by doing , and to recoup R&D costs , so that when protection is removed , and the firms begin to export they have cost advantages over foreign producers and can capture larger market shares .
14 Moreover under William III , who was a foreigner , and Anne , who was a woman and a stupid one , the influence of Parliament over foreign policy grew rapidly .
15 If , as I have suggested , the 12 members of the Community do not have much in common with us over sovereignty , what do we have in common over foreign affairs ?
16 For the first time conceding a measure of Chinese control , he proposed a " self-governing democratic political entity " to be set up " in association with " China , with the latter maintaining some control over foreign affairs and defence .
17 The Jamaican economy continued to face difficulties during 1990 caused by its high burden of debt , austerity measures , and failure to meet the targets agreed with the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) , particularly over foreign exchange earnings .
18 Adopted by 237 votes to 24 , the amendment to the Constitution , known as the power-sharing law , stipulated that the federal government would retain competence over foreign policy , defence and economic and fiscal strategy , while broad economic powers would be handed over to the two republics .
19 New state governments would be responsible for local administration and some tax collection , with central government retaining control over foreign policy , military affairs , trade , the economy and other key sectors .
20 Tension over foreign troops
21 From the Carlowitz peace negotiations with the Habsburgs in 1699 , successive grand viziers began to leave him a good deal of control over foreign affairs , though he again was also entrusted with a wide variety of other and quite different functions .
22 The marked tightening-up of the hitherto very lax standing orders of the House of Commons from 1881 onwards ( a response to organised obstruction by Irish members ) tended to limit parliamentary control over foreign policy as over other aspects of government .
23 In the great continental monarchies the influence of the ruler over foreign affairs was still powerful and sometimes decisive .
24 Labour lost the 1935 election because of its confusion over foreign policy , just as it had lost in 1931 because of its domestic failure .
25 On another dispute over foreign access to public utility contracts , on which Washington and Brussels accuse each other of discriminatory treatment , officials of the two sides finished two days of inconclusive talks in Washington on Wednesday .
26 The United States has threatened to ban EC companies from bidding for a range of government contracts from 22 March if the EC does not drop a three per cent pricing preference for domestic over foreign suppliers in public utility contracts .
27 The deepening crisis over foreign imports is due to be discussed at a meeting of the EC Fisheries Council today in Brussels .
28 Controls over foreign exchange , credits and scarce materials could hardly force anybody to expand .
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