Example sentences of "over labour " in BNC.

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1 Even the popular belief that the unions exercise too much power over Labour policies is gradually being accepted by a number of union leaders .
2 Amongst those who were Conservative or Labour before the campaign , press bias had about a 6 per cent effect ; amongst those who originally had an Alliance preference it had a 23 per cent effect ; while amongst those who were originally undecided it had a 28 per cent effect — measuring all these effects in terms of the Conservative lead over Labour ( Table 8.14 ) .
3 Overall , in this panel , the Conservative lead over Labour increased by 10 per cent between 1986 and election day in 1987 .
4 In our panel of voters the Conservative lead over Labour increased by 34 per cent amongst Sun/Star readers but by a mere 2 per cent amongst Mirror readers , which suggests the tabloids were able to influence their readers .
5 Gallup for The Daily Telegraph gave the Conservatives a hair 's breadth half-point lead over Labour , with the Liberal Democrats in danger of being squeezed as the two main parties battle to emerge as the largest party in a possible hung parliament .
6 The Tories still enjoy narrow leads over Labour on most of the central economic questions .
7 The second is that lower taxes , not higher public spending , is the key to their continued supremacy over Labour and equally any softer Liberal Democrat challenge .
8 The Conservatives ' advantage over Labour in the post-election survey is nearly double what it was in 1964 and treble what it was as recently as on Tuesday and Wednesday last week : 1964Wk 1Wk 2Wk 3Wk 4Now Conservatives ' best 45 45 43 44 45 52 Labour best 34 37 38 38 38 31 Con advantage+11 +8 +5 +6 +7+21 While the Tories were triumphing on the issues , they were also triumphing on the matter of personal leadership .
9 Although he believes the Labour vote is firmer than that of the Conservatives , the cautious conclusion in his camp is that , in the range of possibilities , a Labour majority government has a slight edge over Labour as the largest party in a hung parliament .
10 Everyone seems to have cheered up enormously even though , because of big problems in Tory marginals , both channels are predicting a hung parliament , with only a small Conservative lead over Labour .
11 For example , the Conservatives held a further 24 seats with majorities over Labour or Lib Dems of under 1,000 .
12 He was responding in a Commons written reply following a row over Labour frontbencher Keith Vaz being refused permission to marry his fiancee Maria Fernandes in the 13th Century Church of England crypt chapel .
13 If members see their power over Labour reduced , they may be less inclined to vote Yes .
14 Of course it is difficult to generalise over time and between parties with respect to the relations between party and Prime Minister , but in the recent past it has become clear that the Labour Party outside Parliament has been concerned to exert a greater measure of effective control over Labour Prime Ministers .
15 However , if that election had been fought under some system of proportional representation then the Conservatives would have had a majority over Labour but would have been in a very substantial overall minority since the Liberals and Social Democrats would have held 160 or so seats .
16 Among those aged over 65 years , 48% voted Conservative ( a 15% lead over the proportion voting Labour ) , whereas among those aged 18 to 22 years , 41% voted Conservative ( a 12% lead over Labour voters ) .
17 THE furore over Labour ideas for breaking Ulster 's political log-jam and efforts to block demands for the party to recruit in the province is expected to intensify this month .
18 Pointing to the Conservative Party 's own canvassing returns which show that they have a 20pc lead over Labour he added : ‘ Our own returns based on a sample twenty times the size of The Northern Echo survey show a quite different picture .
19 Pointing to the Conservative Party 's own canvassing returns which show that they have a 20pc lead over Labour he added : ‘ Our own returns based on a sample twenty times the size of The Northern Echo survey show a quite different picture .
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