Example sentences of "back seat " in BNC.

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1 Karoly Grosz , the outgoing general secretary , cut a lonely figure as he bowed out , dropping hints that in future he would be taking a back seat in politics .
2 A marble and a stalls back seat could be worth several minutes of noisy bagatelle .
3 Turning the original classic topsy-turvy , Stoppard makes Hamlet himself take a back seat and elevates two minor characters to star status .
4 In previous years this was how the BBC treated the competition , but gradually , with its revamped Sunday Grandstand , cricket took a back seat to free-fall dominoes and the like .
5 In previous years this was how the BBC treated the competition , but gradually , with its revamped Sunday Grandstand , cricket took a back seat to free-fall dominoes and the like .
6 ‘ Housing , education and social services would obviously take a back seat . ’
7 Golf Faldo forced to take a back seat to Walker Cup team .
8 Columbia , now owned by Japan 's Sony , has become as well known for the high spending of its management team , Peter Guber and Jon Peters , as its films ; Mr Peters has now taken a back seat .
9 While singer Neneh Cherry moved on to crossover fame , her fellow conspirators took a back seat .
10 But even now , some senior DUP men are slightly perplexed at the apparent willingness of non-evangelicals to ‘ take a back seat and push the others forward ’ , as one man put it .
11 Party members and SA men , who in 1933 had seen themselves as posing a radical , populist alternative to the conservative Reichswehr , now took a back seat and simply provided the setting for the triumphant reception of young officers of the Wehrmacht , heroes home on leave from the Front recounting tales of stirring deeds which had earned them the Ritterkreuz .
12 As the relentless publicity machinery of pop set about building Kylie into the perfectly-packaged star , however , the cerebral was taking a back seat to the sensational .
13 Even Waterman 's own trusted experts , stylist Sharron and dancer Claire , both of whom had been a backbone of Kylie 's organisation , took a back seat as Kylie took control herself .
14 Critics compare him to Jeremy Thomas , who produced The Last Emperor but whose name takes a back seat to Bertolucci 's .
15 But they might find it difficult to take a back seat and Whitehall believes that criminal intelligence will evolve into a top detective agency with an operational arm .
16 Add to this the possibility that by eating organic produce we might be filling the cornfields with poppies once again and I suspect that mere flavour often takes a back seat .
17 Even Midnight 's show-jumping had taken a back seat .
18 Today , with personnel management much more established , it is far easier for many managers to take a back seat and leave recruitment and selection to specialists and even outside consultants .
19 Pressure groups are now campaigning for the law to be extended to cover back seat passengers too , principally with the safety of children in mind but also to protect front seat occupants who can be injured in a crash if an unrestrained person in the back is thrown forward .
20 Pending such legislation , improved baby carriers are constantly being produced , and many manufacturers now fit back seat belts into new cars .
21 Many feel reluctant to take a back seat and allow their children to enjoy the special attractiveness of the teens and twenties .
22 Both Sonatas are cleanly played , but the inner momentum of Rachmaninov 's first movement is lost : Yo-Yo Ma too often takes a back seat when he ought to be showing the lead , and this affects the balance .
23 If you ca n't agree to disagree , then take a back seat and let others have their way on this occasion .
24 Expressing his absolute contempt of bands who rely on ambient , effect-heavy swirling guitar sounds , Bernard insists his own playing will never take a back seat musically .
25 Stipe continues to take a back seat on ‘ Endgame ’ , a largely instrumental piece with horns and strings taking centre stage while the singer ululates in the wings .
26 Since having her daughter Chiara , five , and son Joshua , three , she has been a full-time mother in rural Wiltshire , and her looks have taken a back seat .
27 His office at the Caterham factory is covered with pictures of Seven racing cars — and one of Patrick McGoohan , whom he persuaded to endorse a special 35th anniversary Prisoner edition of the Seven this year ; his most animated conversation is reserved for descriptions of the car and its abilities , and one could almost believe that finances and company administration took a firm back seat to the development and fine tuning of the car 's design .
28 Foreign policy will take a back seat while Clinton sorts out domestic problems .
29 Slemen added : ‘ We accept we must take a back seat to the national side , but we are still determined to succeed where the Midlands and England B failed . ’
30 Hallett , who has slipped from seventh to 24th in the provisional world ranking list for next season , missed an easy green in the opening frame then took a back seat as rampant Wattana raced 5–0 ahead .
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