Example sentences of "same problem " in BNC.

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1 Same Problem , same lack of ideas .
2 When we were first warned , I did n't really pay much attention to what was being said about it — the same problem had flared up at both Jersey House and the hotel I 'd just left but in neither case had there been prolonged cause for concern .
3 In anticipation that the same problem might recur this summer I tried sowing some sweet peas with the runner beans .
4 In this he recognizes the same problem which faces the insider/ethnographer , for he clearly understands that pretence , deception , and bizarre social drama play a large part in police culture and accepts this will be difficult to research .
5 Before long West Germany 's Bundestag may confront the same problem : the federal elections late next year could give the Republicans enough votes to achieve representation — and not necessarily at the expense of Hans-Dietrich Genscher 's Free Democrats .
6 Everybody producing music for sale to the public has the same problem : because making music costs money , selling product ( records , tapes and CDs ) is the only way to survive .
7 Another objection to the notion of ‘ stages ’ is due to the same problem .
8 Usually the art historical and scientific approaches to the same problem reach broadly the same conclusion , even though it may be necessary to rely heavily on one of the approaches to make sense of the other .
9 An entertaining example of animals solving the same problem as the swimming rats , but with land and water reversed , is the ability of a tide-pool fish , the goby , to jump from one pool to another without landing on the rock between .
10 Renault 's new partners , Volvo of Sweden , faced the same problem at the same time , needing a new gearbox for their new 850 GLT ( which goes on sale here next month ) .
11 ‘ We used to have the same problem with Shrewsbury .
12 The diesel engine faces the same problem as many middle aged executives — it needs to lose weight .
13 Dairy farmers had the same problem to face 365 days per year .
14 After time , he will still be facing the same problem : what to do with the remainder of the material ?
15 Contrast this with the words of a House of Lords Select Committee considering exactly the same problem : ‘ because of the high proportion [ of homes with polluted tapwater ] and the long-standing nature of the problem , the Committee believe that the two years for compliance with the Directive is wholly unrealistic . ’
16 It sounds as if your engine may have glazed bores and too much crank case pressure if the cap is blowing off I suggest you have a compression check I do not know of an auxiliary tank for a Ninety Indeed , I have the same problem as yourself I 'm a newcomer to Land Rover and recently bought a 1975 Series III88 inch .
17 My new Ninety suffers from the same problem !
18 Ask them if they 're having the same problem . ’
19 Even on the supposedly internationalist Left , the same problem arises .
20 The Ogallala aquifer , which supplies many farms in the US Midwest , is suffering the same problem , as also are aquifers in Spain , Greece and elsewhere in Europe .
21 That same problem is treated in Arguedas 's Deep Rivers , the story of a young boy , Ernesto , who identifies emotionally with the Indians among whom he was brought up and who , on moving to school to receive the education that will equip him to take his place in society , finds himself alienated in the world of the whites .
22 Much the same problem would be posed even more dramatically in the case of a polio patient in an iron lung .
23 This is not an original argument , in the sense that several short introductions to feminist film theory already exist which identify many of the same problem areas as I do .
24 Other strategies which recognise the new sense and the new possibilities are the wildlife/domestic stock village systems developing in Central Africa — systems not dissimilar to the self-sufficient , low-input philosophy that Gandhi was promoting before India became a monolithic Civil Service with centralised control which destroyed village integrity : the same problem that has caused thousands of Africans to return to their villages in the last twenty years , giving up their Government jobs for which they were never paid or even got their rations .
25 Rather than waiting for more individual tenants to bring the same problem , it would be more efficient for the bureau to alert the local authority concerned and to explore with interested clients the possibility of a tenants ' association .
26 There are many and varied versions of the link-leger designed to combat the same problem .
27 ( i ) Ulpian discusses the same problem as Celsus , a bequest of an office ( militia ) , but in Ulpian 's case the beneficiary is a slave .
28 Approaching the same problem from a different perspective , Eschenbach , Habel , Herweg & Rehkämper ( 1989 ) introduce the notion of a complex referential object ( complex ref-O ) .
29 Secondly , since the clearinghouses are essentially agencies for co-operation and most enquirers want the names of contacts who are currently working on the same problem , it is advisable to refer the enquirer to the contacts for first-hand information .
30 The ZX Spectrum and Easy Programming attack the same problem area — what the hell do you do once you have unpacked your computer , tried to understand the manual , and realise it is written by people who seem to have forgotten that most of their readers will be neophytes ?
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