Example sentences of "government spending " in BNC.

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1 Discretionary grants for further education have suffered in the climate of recent economic cuts and local government spending allowances can affect the number and level of grants awarded .
2 ‘ They lost the government spending argument in the late Seventies and Eighties , now they 're trying the environmental route . ’
3 In the UK at present , the public sector is in substantial budget surplus , ( ie the excess of tax receipts over government spending ) .
4 This has been coupled with policies for a ‘ strong ’ state in defence and law and order , and more centralized control over local government spending and over secondary and higher education than any previous government has attempted .
5 Similarly , for all the huge majorities claiming to prefer more government spending , even if this involves paying more taxes , what does one make of the finding that voters , when asked which mattered more to themselves and their families , ‘ more public spending or tax cuts ? ’ , a majority preferred the tax cuts ( Marplan , March 1987 ) .
6 Some 97,000 families will be affected by cuts of up to 40% in civil servants ' pay , part of a World Bank/IMF plan to reduce government spending .
7 The anti-inflation programmes failed because they hardly cut government spending .
8 Any attempt to reduce inflation permanently would require a deep cut in government spending and tight control over the money supply .
9 Further cuts in government spending will be needed to give a promised new boost to industry .
10 Its current director of studies , David Willets , says the CPS started by assuming that ‘ a lot of the research put out by established think-tanks had a basic bias in favour of increased government spending and an essential belief in the rationality of government . ’
11 New plans to cut central — and republican — government spending are to be agreed upon for the second half of the year .
12 Although servicing the deficit takes up nearly 30% of government spending , fewer than 0.1% of Pakistanis pay direct taxes .
13 Geoffrey Howe , the Chancellor of the Exchequer , and Leon Brittan , the Chief Secretary to the Treasury in overall charge of government spending , wanted to look at the longer-term trends and to see how public expenditure could be successfully controlled in the 1980s .
14 THERE was confusion yesterday about the affect on government spending and borrowing after the Treasury climbdown over the way subsidies from the European Commission are treated .
15 An emergency government spending package on Tuesday only seemed to encourage the sell-off .
16 We used to think that you could spend your way out of a recession and increase employment by cutting taxes and boosting government spending .
17 At best it would delay the arrival of that strong and vital recovery on which Treasury calculations on government spending and revenue are so delicately balanced .
18 Its National Recovery Programme , a document of unreconstructed Keynesianism , provides the wrong cure — higher government spending — while fatally ignoring the negative effect that this may have on interest rates .
19 In the name of balancing government spending , still heading for a deficit this year , social security and unemployment benefits were cut and eligibility requirements tightened .
20 When Mr Heseltine started reeling off the figures about increased government spending , his questioner began to shout back at him : ‘ I 'm not interested !
21 Labour 's response was to blame Mr James Callaghan 's financial orthodoxy — it was his government that introduced cash limits on government spending — and to lurch still further to the Left .
22 Moreover , as will be shown below , since much of government spending was financed outside the budget , by expanding the money supply , the government continued to run a very large overall deficit .
23 In 1988 and 1989 , a series of measures with many of the characteristics of a ‘ stabilization ’ package forced more drastic cuts in government spending .
24 Figure 9.4 Sudan : government spending , selected sectors
25 In 1975 , just after reorganization had finally been implemented , and in the context of a great deal of criticism about its unexpected costs , Tony Crosland ( Secretary of State for the Environment ) announced that cuts were needed in local government spending : ‘ We have to come to terms with the harsh reality of the situation which we inherited .
26 Although the immediate context for the ‘ attack ’ on local government was pressure for overall reductions in public spending and local government spending in particular , few of those writing about it have accepted this as a major explanation , partly because the evidence that levels of local government spending are of major significance to the economy are limited , and the arguments that state spending in itself discourages private investment are also weak .
27 Indeed , the increased concentration of central government on local government spending helped to increase its political profile , locally as well as nationally , at just the time when reorganization had created authorities with major staffing and financial resources , authorities more powerful than the patchwork quilt of councils which they replaced .
28 Local government spending has fallen significantly since the middle 1970s both as a proportion of state spending and of national income .
29 From the mid-1970s local government spending was under severe pressure from the centre as more and more complex rules were developed to keep it under control .
30 A great deal of local government spending is already directed towards the private sector .
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