Example sentences of "government funding " in BNC.

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1 Much of the work which is being undertaken is dependent on government funding and , of necessity , is required to provide material which fits current political philosophy .
2 Industry is in no position to undertake a surcharge on its costs , and will probably reply , as it has just done on the question of arts funding , that industrial sponsorship is a supplement to government funding : it is not available as a substitute for it .
3 Polytechnic directors yesterday called for more government funding .
4 That would require three decisions : the restoration of targeting of M4 , the use of government funding to control the quantity of money , and immediate British entry to the exchange rate mechanism of the EMS .
5 She calls for a national policy for dealing with runaway children , and more government funding .
6 It hopes the findings of the survey will provide ammunition to press for government funding as well as policy changes to encourage housing associations or similar schemes to help local people .
7 Gerald Ronson , co-chairman of the fundraising committee , said : ‘ We have to use money from business because government funding is being cut back . ’
8 I do not see how expansion could happen without a substantial increase in government funding .
9 ‘ I no longer want full government funding from a government that is going to be dictatorial as hell , which is not to say I would not prefer it under a government of a different kind . ’
10 Labour would establish a new Railway Act , encourage a more dynamic style of management , increase government funding and make the railways more accountable through a consumer regulatory framework .
11 Pressure mounts against government funding rethink of higher education Summit tries to rescue student loans plan .
12 Mr Kenneth Clarke , Health Secretary , promised more government funding , less waste and a better service for patients .
13 Although Canada won gold in the 1984 Olympics , government funding was cut following the Ben Johnson drugs scandal in Seoul and the country won no medals at this year 's world championships .
14 Government funding is to be pruned over three years from £350 million to £200 million .
15 On the subject of homelessness , the committee says the problem is a ‘ scandal ’ in Scotland and calls for a ‘ more realistic ’ level of central Government funding .
16 National Savings contributed £3.13 billion to government funding last year — an improvement of £1.81 billion on the figure for 1990–91 .
17 In general , Highlander have found that it is unwise to place too much reliance on Government funding for support , subject as it is to political whim and shifts of policy of the administration .
18 Overall , government funding of education is inadequate .
19 The bottom line to private investment remains , as always , the extent and nature of government funding .
20 While echoing the Government 's ‘ partnership ’ theme in its rhetoric , and paying dutiful lip service to the principle of laissez-faire , the coded message of the CBI is an urgent demand for more government funding , not less .
21 The trend is towards a steady reduction in government funding , together with a policy of requiring universities and polytechnics to bid for funds in new ways .
22 In public sector schools in the late 1980s , shortages of government funding were bringing pressures to charge fees .
23 These , too , are dependent on central government funding and have — even more explicitly than GEAR — the role of encouraging investment through the provision of infrastructure which makes property development possible and profitable .
24 The fact that Teacher Placement Service has not had supply cover , although causing short term difficulties has improved the long term chances of success , as such additional external government funding would be temporary in nature .
25 Subscriptions and students ' fees were not adequate to provide a properly staffed establishment , and the choice made of this method of financing the College , in preference to direct government funding ( which would have had to be much greater than the government grants received from 1795 to 1813 ) was to hamper the growth of the College well into the present century .
26 Junior education minister William Shelton took the chance to announce a further £9 million cash injection for the MEP , bringing total government funding to £20 million .
27 The government funding has pre-empted the announcement of the opposition Labor Party 's science and technology policy which strongly favours the support of industry , particularly high technology .
28 ‘ A high level of government funding is the only way that industry can find its way through this maze , ’ he said .
29 It was launched with private sector backing , received its first government funding in April , and has already achieved results .
30 In 1908 , against fierce opposition from the majority of Prussian property-owners , the Catholic Centre Party and the Union of West German Liberals , Prince Bülow equipped the Colonisation Commission with the legal power to seize Polish property , and allocated increased government funding — including a substantial bribe to the Junkers to persuade them to use German rather than the cheaper Polish labour .
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