Example sentences of "still see " in BNC.

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1 I can still see myself sitting there , relaxed and comforted by the warm drink , and then there was that moment when I decided I would resign .
2 She put on her sunglasses to decrease her visibility , but she could still see something of herself ; brown knees , frayed cut-offs .
3 The Anchor brewery had been built in 1757 by a couple of brewers from Bethnal Green called Wastfield and Moss , at a time when the district was so quiet and un-built-up you could still see ships passing on the Thames from the brewery windows .
4 Inside , one can still see the Map Room , where Churchill used to study the progress of the war , the Cabinet Room where many of the Second World War 's most important decisions were made , and Churchill 's personal accommodation from which he made several of his wartime broadcasts .
5 Even when a playwright has been drafted in , you can still see the joins .
6 A century ago Scheveningen was a place of painters as much as of fishermen , and not far off the tram route you can still see exactly what the artists saw .
7 As I sat facing the prisoners with an automatic weapon across my knees , I could still see the wounded German Officer a few yards away .
8 It 's gone right across its middle , but it do n't matter too much , cos if you hold the bits together you can still see it OK .
9 You can still see the algae in the water , and I am still drinking bottled .
10 After half a mile he decided to turn off the embankment and walk up the side of the next field and along the path at the top of it , following the horses whom he could still see in the distance .
11 However , even when you 're faraway , this place will still remain , you 'll still see it .
12 In my day-dreams and nightmares you were always clothed in those washed-out jeans : I can still see their frayed , ravelled seams with their bleached , raggy threads softened by countless abrasions and grindings , the frazzled button-holes , the worn buttons showing the cheap metal underneath .
13 Sprays of drizzle flecked the bus window , but I could still see out .
14 There was a fine spray of rain , and the weather was misty , but I could still see the forested islands on the lake , and the tall mountains brooding all around .
15 I would have to go as fast as I could while I could still see the way , and then rest for longer , and then probably crawl .
16 Nearby , alum has been worked for centuries and we could still see the remains of the old landing stage where little coasters brought brimming vats of urine from London , which was mixed with the local mineral to produce dyestuff fasteners for textiles .
17 Traditional crafts are still practised in the Jewellery Quarter , and at the Discovery Centre you can still see these skills in action and learn about the history of the area .
18 She could still see , dimly , which meant that there must be a light source somewhere near .
19 Another worthwhile trip is to Rattenberg , where you can still see the traditional skills involved in crystal glass making .
20 Visitors to the sites of lake dwellings on Lake Ledro — to the west of the northern tip of Lake Garda — and Lake Varese can still see the remains of the wooden stake piles on which the lake villages were set .
21 The Israelis had turned the Damiani soap factory into a municipal museum but you could still see the family 's name in fading Arabic letters on the archway at one end of the building .
22 You can still see vestiges in the upper terraces of the early Baroque garden .
23 And if it was so insignificant then why can I still see that first kiss even now ?
24 The men of the Somerset Levels paid a tithe called ‘ moor-penny ’ ; their cattle suffered from a disease called ‘ moor-evil ’ ; and in every pond and damp corner you will still see the jerking movements of the moorhen .
25 Near Fairfield you can still see the innings of St Thomas .
26 The fact that we had a more open policy over those ten years has actually infiltrated into or irrigated the BBC and ITV , but you will still see a great area of editorial heads , or heads of departments , the equivalents of the commissioning editors , the executive heads , where there are very few women .
27 Years later , on my last visit to that pioneering control-room , I could still see the marks on the wall where our preliminary broadcast signals were given .
28 Away on the far side of the estuary he could still see the odd lights shining from the little cottages in the Forest of Dean .
29 The substantial remains of this cavalry fort include the bath house , where you can still see how the underfloor heating system worked .
30 He did this by bringing a camera up to his face , through which he could nevertheless still see the tiger 's actions .
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