Example sentences of "have far " in BNC.

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1 They carry the same fear that someone will not come back even though as adults they may have far more control over the situation .
2 Damage to especially favoured areas , such as mangroves and coral reefs , can have far reaching effects elsewhere .
3 But when you bear in mind the background points ( catalysis , the interaction with radiation , the notion of turnover ) you see how it is that very small amounts of pollution really could have far reaching effects .
4 Some of the other foundation subjects , such as art or PE , will have far less detailed ATs and PS .
5 It is likely that someone taking up a post direct from library school will have far less practical or quasi-practical experience of book selection than of the two preceding activities , and this may mean that the manager needs to introduce his staff to the basic elements of book provision work in addition to the special features of a particular system .
6 Most people could have far more children than they are able to support , while a sizeable minority are unable to have any children at all .
7 The greatest number of past lives experienced by any of my patients during the course of such discovery is eight — but this does not mean that we do not have far more than that , simply that the patient chose to stop after that number .
8 ‘ The obvious symmetrical properties of sea shells indicate the operation of a far deeper principle in nature than previously thought , one that could have far reaching implications for Science in general . ’
9 Each case would have had to be worked out individually and the cost , in time and resources , to employers , employees and to the Revenue itself would have far outweighed the amount of tax recouped .
10 It brought back unpleasant memories , for Bodie , of long , tedious hours at a desk , learning the sort of things about Swedish Industry , and the difference between X and Y , that he would have far preferred to have left undiscovered .
11 In an ideal world I would have far more bogwood than even the extended budget allows , but I expect this could be remedied over the ensuring months .
12 Tomorrow 's grannies will have far more to spend than those in any previous generation , creating new demand for health , home care , financial advice and travel .
13 This way , spectators can see who is actually ‘ winning ’ , and each part of the innings will have far more immediate significance and excitement , with the crowd 's attention more intent .
14 Dr Hoover believes that the results of the research could have far reaching implications .
15 Any such artefact may seek either to proclaim or to hide the material used and the constraints the material has imposed upon the technological process : a mask may be thought to incorporate the spiritual properties of the wood from which it is taken ; a group of people may refuse to purchase an item known to be of seal skin ; a plastic may seek to copy a more traditional material ; the gold from which an object is made may have far greater significance than the actual form into which it has been hammered .
16 Most of the time it is just a minor irritant , but interference can have far reaching effects .
17 If Wales was part of a federal United Kingdom , we would obviously have far more control over our own affairs ’ , said Dr Caldwell .
18 You can also have far less errors etcetera .
19 The wrong selection can have far reaching consequences ; the initial choice of an elastomer for the seals in the landing gear of the DC-8 aircraft resulted in serious jamming because the seals become swollen when in contact with the hydraulic fluid .
20 They can have far reaching consequence in the development of an organism , e.g. one error of a base results in haemoglobin S being produced which results in sickle cell anaemia .
21 Nevertheless , it is our opinion that clinicians should be familiar with its clinical picture as much is at stake ; the diagnosis is easily missed , which may have far reaching consequences in terms of prognosis .
22 We 're gon na have far more lone parents
23 It could have far reaching effects on the ecology of James Bay , an important wildlife refuge , with increased salinity posing a threat to fish , migratory birds , ringed seals and beluga whales .
24 I think if that were the case , you would have far fewer problems , but er , of course this is n't the position .
25 ‘ After all they 've done for me , ’ he bit toughly , ‘ I 'd have far more compunction if I allowed their youngest and much-thought-of son to ruin his life over some female who obviously does n't care a damn for him ! ’
26 However , within 5 years the new street works act should be operating properly which means that the planning and execution of all public utilities works will have far less effect on peak hour travel and congestion except for unplanned emergencies .
27 You will learn about how they all depend on each other and about how the destruction of any one of them can have far reaching consequences .
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