Example sentences of "could say " in BNC.

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1 Peony looked suitably chastened , but there was a glint in her eye that told Peggy there was plenty more she could say , and would say , if it were n't for the fact that she adored the Vicar with a passion that bordered on the obsessive .
2 You could say he killed himself , really . ’
3 And then she could say she 'd like to borrow it .
4 Very neatly and no one could say when , but something had died that night .
5 ‘ I suppose you could say I am playing to my peers . ’
6 You could say the secret is location , location , location . ’
7 He stands by what he said , and , sadly , many of his criticisms are still valid : the team have still not bought a video camera despite a large injection of cash from the Sports Council and no one could say that the preparation training for the world championships — one weekend in the Kendal Judo Club — has been anything but derisory .
8 Out of the blue , you could say .
9 You could say that , somehow , he made the most convincing of the would-be-leaders ' speeches .
10 ‘ I could say without doubt that this lady would have been alive today if she had not taken drugs at that party . ’
11 The absence of reference to exchange rates and the EMS was presumably because there was nothing he could say without exciting renewed speculation or reopening divisions at the top of the Government .
12 ‘ Probably you as well , Sir , ’ I replied , ‘ Your own trench is just over the wall in Brigade H.Q ’ He glared up at me and before he could say anything I beat a hasty retreat .
13 Before I could say anything he continued with , ‘ You must have a girlfriend somewhere , Piper , a smart-looking bloke like you . ’
14 Before I could say anything , Taff remarked , ‘ Come on , Boyo .
15 Before anyone could say a word he had turned on his heel and strode off looking to left and right as he went .
16 He could say sentences which would have been preposterous if they were seen as rhetoric but which he could carry because they were delivered with uproarious humour — ‘ Liberalism prolonged one 's youth , Liberalism did not decay ’ .
17 There is no law of nature which says that human societies are bound to survive so that we could say ‘ Cheer up , chaps ! ' ’
18 Is that not why Montaigne could say ‘ the more I frequent and know myselfe … the less I understand myselfe ’ ; why also he discovers that ‘ I have nothing to say entirely , simply , and with soliditie of my selfe without contusion , disorder , blending , mingling …
19 She and Tom had met because they had had a playful debate about whether and in what sense you could say that coal pre-dated miners .
20 One could say that the pressing question is how it is possible to live , rather than what teleology to adopt ; or at least that the latter does not sort the former out .
21 But before I could say anything he started to shout at me , saying ‘ Mrs Desai , you ca n't talk back to me or to Mr Diffy or Mr Mike . ’
22 Seven months on , how I wish I could say that the Escort/Orion range is at least going in the right direction .
23 In 1951 ‘ he was so excited that all he could say was ‘ It 's a desperately close race — I ca n't quite see from here who is ahead — it 's either Oxford or Cambridge ’ .
24 Marvelling that anyone could say this without a trace of selfconsciousness or humour , Wexford looked her up and down .
25 In a flash of unusual sentimentality , Wexford thought he would rather be dead than be the man about whom a daughter could say such things .
26 He was almost certain that he had found him , that he could say , ‘ Our McCloy was here , ’ and yet what had he achieved but dredge up a tiny segment of McCloy 's life ?
27 One could say very certainly , therefore , that the book could not be complete until Lewis as a ‘ character ’ was complete .
28 There was nothing he could say , nothing he could do .
29 That meant he could say it in Latin , which , when you think about it , was another fundamental hypocrisy .
30 ‘ These are areas where you could say farming was marginal .
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