Example sentences of "so close " in BNC.

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1 And Lucy 's silky warm skin all along her , arms wrapped round each other , so close that nothing could come between .
2 So close that Jay did n't know where she ended and Lucy began .
3 I want to kiss you like a butterfly on mescaline , all over in a flurry of delirium , I want to bite you to the bones , to be so close to you there materialises a planet called us .
4 Lucy gasped and moved her hand on Jay 's shoulders , kissed her with fire , thrust her whole body so close , head to toe .
5 I think I knew it would n't hold , but I was so close .
6 It all looked so close , so welcoming , so immediate .
7 Crime and Punishment takes its place in a perfectly obvious and open fashion among the international classics of naturalism ( or realism ) , and it is the first of his novels to do so : the earlier and great book The House of the Dead walks so close beside personal history as to rule itself out in this connection ; formally it is a freak , so I argued , a quasi-novel ; and as regards fact and fiction , since he is recounting not ‘ prophesying events ’ , Dostoevsky can not have found much in the Dead House to get excited about .
8 The analogy is so close that Alan Kimmel of Fitchburg State College describes rumour ( New York Science Times , June 4 1991 ) as a sort of opportunistic virus that thrives on fear and uncertainty .
9 But he came so close .
10 World View : So close yet still far apart : Timothy Garton Ash reflects on what it means when Germans start behaving like Poles , and Poles like Germans
11 It is hard to think of two other nations in Europe which are so close and yet , still , despite many noble efforts on both sides , so very far apart .
12 Hamnett and Rosen became so close so quickly that May 's magazine was scrapped at the last minute in favour of a version reworked by Rosen .
13 They seemed so close , just behind me !
14 An enormous bomb fell on a place nearby called Spurgeon 's Tabernacle , so close that it blew in all the windows and knocked the marquee for six .
15 The criminal classes are so close to us that even the policeman can see them .
16 [ they ] work so close together , yet they are , so to speak , utterly different in direction .
17 Chaste , but so close that if one of them is sad the laughter of the other immediately fills the void in him ’ ( p. 330 ) .
18 ‘ Having been so close to winning the title in the past few years I thought this was going to be my chance but the draws have just dried up and I ca n't seem to get near fish , ’ said Dave from Hednesford , Staffordshire .
19 For as long as it took me to get out of range , several birds used me for bombing practice , coming so close on occasions that ducking was a necessity rather than a flamboyant gesture .
20 Oblivious to us swanning by , they show no emotions , unlike me , all full of excitement at so many and so close .
21 We are so close so equal .
22 I did n't make friends easily , but the funny thing is that some of those I went to school with , and was n't so close to , have become good friends in later life .
23 When you have been so close to death and even closer to permanent serious injury then every day becomes a bonus . ’
24 Flying in the face of the facts , he prophesied that the economic crisis was so close that there was no time to build the party : the RCP must join the Labour Party , whose working class members , given Trotskyist leadership , would become revolutionary under the pressure of events .
25 That was what caused the hysteria and enthusiasm and so , I felt that if the band on stage was at least so close to his sense of humour that he felt comfortable with them , if the crew and all the support system was so strong that he could relax enough to enjoy the crowd , only then would it get magnetic and spontaneous .
26 AS CHILDREN , Arthur Ochs Sulzberger and his sister Judith were so close that their father called them Punch and Judy .
27 Nothing is invisible to radar , but a stealthy aircraft shows up over the background noise only at so close a range that radar , which has dominated air and combat for two generations , is virtually useless against it .
28 Human beings have never touched me so nearly as now when ‘ Nature ’ was so close : I think , too , I never before struck such firm roots into human hearts ’ .
29 The Christian and the caring humanist can not remain unconcerned for the plight of the people of the Third World who live so close to starvation .
30 As we sat there in that noisy , smoke-filled place I was deeply conscious of his physical presence , so close and so disturbingly animal , almost electric in its restrained , pulsing sexuality .
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