Example sentences of "may take " in BNC.

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1 Any art critic may take such a position , but a historian almost never .
2 These may take either the form of related drawings , or in Rodin 's case , a free style of drawing which demonstrates his power of vivid creative improvisation with the human figure .
3 If drama schools do not incorporate a stage management course , basic lectures and some participation in production work may take place in the senior terms .
4 Some students will use the time to try out major speeches they have never attempted before , and find out where this may take them .
5 Not everyone suits the same kind of photographic style , and it may take several tries before you find a picture that eventually gets you noticed .
6 The Conference would wish all who may take part in the referendum to recognize that Protestant Churches are pro-Life but anti-amendment and to query whether they wish a clause in the constitution unacceptable to Protestant churches .
7 I have decided , however , in the interests of posterity , to cut nothing , though I may take the liberty of annotating the text here and there , putting some of the facts straight and referring the reader to related documents , such as interviews you once gave or books and articles on you which have since appeared .
8 It may take five years , he wrote , or it may take ten , or a hundred or a thousand , but sooner or later everything in the mausoleum will be affected and everything in all the other mausoleums in the city , and everything in all the other mausoleums in the country , and everything in all the other mausoleums in the world .
9 It may take five years , he wrote , or it may take ten , or a hundred or a thousand , but sooner or later everything in the mausoleum will be affected and everything in all the other mausoleums in the city , and everything in all the other mausoleums in the country , and everything in all the other mausoleums in the world .
10 It will , however , occupy more space and , depending on the species , may take several years to establish .
11 Some may take drugs because they are bored .
12 It may take them a little while , but it is important that you contact them to make a housing application and let them know of your needs .
13 This may take a few iterations to achieve a good balance , but should eventually make the zero crossings correspond to more or less zero field .
14 This , it is to be assumed , his liberal readers may take seriously as a threat , but hardly as an option .
15 We Westerners may take them for granted as part of the furniture of any self-respecting office and available to all on every high street .
16 Since the London Fox is anxious to preserve the integrity of the market , it may take other measures , such as extending delivery times , to relieve pressure on shorts .
17 The trade gap looks appalling and it may take some time before we see a significant drop in consumer spending .
18 Enforcement : If someone builds without planning permission , the council may take enforcement action against the owner or occupier of the property .
19 It may take several releases and many months before the company starts to see a return on its investments , so it is essential for an indie to have a relatively solid financial base to see it through the difficult early stages and to sustain the levels of promotion until an act on the label breaks .
20 However , a small independent may take on an unknown songwriter when nobody else is interested .
21 The producers of all these programmes are inundated with cassette tapes from bands , so they may take some time before listening to them all .
22 It may take some time !
23 They appear in the documents section and therefore do not , we may take it , represent the views of the editors .
24 Not only will her mother feel immense unhappiness about the action her daughter has taken but there is also the chance that her father may take unpleasant measures and throw harsh accusations at her for not having brought up her daughter properly .
25 ‘ Tracing a child may take months , even years ’
26 After lunch ( at about two o'clock ) many of us feel tired and may take a short nap , even though body temperature does not nominally fall much at this time .
27 Some may take you back to the nursery .
28 Cell regeneration slows down now , so blemishes may take longer to heal .
29 Doctor Staples says you may take a turn on the walks from now on .
30 You may take a stroll before you go up , if you wish .
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